Supersonic Flight, Sonic Booms VideoLog
Supersonic Flight, Sonic Booms VideoLog
Sound travels at about 760 miles per hour, or 340 meters per second and about 661 knots on an average day at sea level. And sometimes, you can almost see it. Going close to that speed through air can cause some unusual visual effects. This compiled footage includes F-14s, standard and Blue Angels F-18s, plus the SR-71 and an Atlas Rocket launch. AVweb contacted sources at NASA to research the phenomena.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Ustaz Azhar - Puasa Melayu Part 1 To Part 6
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Solat sunat withir
Solat Witir
Solat Sunat Witir merupakan solat terakhir yang perlu dilakukan oleh seseorang pada setiap hari. Jumlah rakaat bagi witir ialah ganjil sebab itulah ia dinamakan witir (ganjil). Paling sedikit 1 rakaat dan yang paling banyak 11 rakaat. Waktu untuk mengerjakan solat ini ialah selepas solat isyak sehingga terbit fajar.
Hadis yang diriwayatkan dari Aisyah, yang bermaksud :
"Adalah Nabi s.a.w solat di antara solat Isyak dengan terbit fajar sebelas rakaat, Baginda memberi salam tiap-tiap dua rakaat dan yang penghabisannya satu rakaat"
Mafhumnya bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w mengerjakan solat witir (sekiranya 11 rakaat) maka bilangan salamnya ialah 6 salam.
أُصَلِّي سُنَّةَ الوِتْرِ رَكْعَتَيْنِ/ رَكْعَةً لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى
Maksudnya : Sahaja aku solat sunat witir 2 rakaat / 1 rakaat kerana Allah Taala.
سُبُّوْحٌ قُدُّوْسٌ رَبُّنَا رَبُّ الْمَلاَئِكَةِ وَالرُّوْحِ اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفو ، فَاعْفُ عَنِّي
Maksudnya : "Yang diucapkan Maha Suci bagiNya, Yang Maha Suci, dan Tuhan kami, malaikat dan roh. Ya Allah ! Sesungguhnya Engkau Pengampun, suka kepada pengampunan, ampunilah akan daku"
Atau bacalah doa ini :
اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَسْأَلُكَ إِيْمَانًا دَائِْمًا ، وَنَسْأَلُكَ قَلْبًا خَاشِعًا وَنَسْأَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا ، وَنَسْأَلُكَ يَقِيْنًا صَادِقًا . وَنَسْأَلُكَ عَمَلاً صَالِحًا ، وَنَسْأَلُكَ دِيْنًا قَيِّمًا ، وَنَسْأَلُكَ خَيًْرا كَثِيْرًا ، وَنَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ ، وَنَسْأَلُكَ تَمَامَ الْعَافِيَةِ ، وَنَسْأَلُكَ الْشُكْرَ عَلَى الْعَافِيَةِ ، وَنَسْأَلُكَ الْغِنَاءَ عَنِ الْنَّاسِ . اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا صَلاَتَنَا وَصِيَامَنَا وَقِيَامَنَا وَتَخَشُّعَنَا وَتَضَرُّعَنَا وَتَعَبُّدَنَا وَتَمِّمْ تَقْصِيْرَنَا يَا الله يَا الله يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِيْن . وَصَلى اللهُ عَلَى خَيْرِ خَلْقِهِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِيْنَ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِيْنَ.
Maksudnya : "Ya Allah ! Ya Tuhan kami, kami memohon kepada-Mu iman yang kekal, kami memohon kepada-Mu hati yang khusyuk, kami memohon kepada-Mu ilmu yang bermanfaat, kami memohon ditetapkan keyakinan yang benar, kami memohon (dapat melaksanankan) amal yang soleh, kami memohon kepada-Mu tetap dalam agama Islam, kami memohon kepada-Mu kebaikan yang melimpah ruah, kami memohon kepada-Mu keampunan dan kesihatan, kami memohon kepada-Mu kesihatan yang sempurna, kami memohon kepada-Mu kesyukuran di atas kesihatan yang Engkau berikan, dan kami memohon kepada-Mu kecukupan, Ya Allah, Tuhan kami, terimalah daripada kami Solat kami, puasa kami, qiam kami, khusyuk kami, pengabdian kami, sempurnakanlah apa yang kami lakukan selama solat ya Allah, ya Allah, ya Allah Zat Yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang."
Atau baca doa ini :
اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفو ، فَاعْفُ عَنِّي ، اللهم إنا نسألك رضاك والجنة ونعوذ بك من سخطك والنار .
Maksudnya : "Ya Allah ! Sesungguhnya Engkau Pengampun, suka kepada pengampunan, ampunilah akan daku, Ya Allah kami memohon kepada-Mu keredhaan-Mu dan syurga dan kami berlindung dengan-Mu dari kemurkaan-Mu dan neraka"
Solat sunat withir
Solat sunat withir
Kelebihan Solat Witir
Solat witir merupakan solat sunat terakhir atau solat penutup didalam satu malam. Sabda nabiْ “Jadikanlah solat terakhir pada malam sebagai solat witir” [HR Muslim].
Solat witir ialah solat yang ganjil bilangan rakaatnya sama ada satu, tiga, lima, tujuh, sembilan dan 11 rakaat. Ia dinamakan dengan witir kerana ditamatkan dengan satu rakaat dan berbeza dengan solat yang lain.
Hukumnya adalah sunat muakkad di sisi mazhab Syafie dan jumhur ulama tetapi menjadi wajib di sisi mazhab Hanafi.
Antara kelebihan solat sunat witir ialah Allah mengasihinya. Sesiapa yang mendirikannya sesungguhnya dia telah melaksanakan apa yang disukai oleh Allah. Ini berdasarkan hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Saidina Ali r.a berkata: Solat sunat witir tidak wajib sebagaimana solat fardu tetapi ia adalah sunat. Kenyataan tersebut sebagai hujah dan dalil bahawa witir bukanlah wajib seperti solat fardu yang lima.
Seterusnya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: Sesungguhnya Allah itu ganjil dan suka kepada yang ganjil-ganjil. Oleh itu, witirlah kamu wahai ahli al- Quran. (Riwayat Abu Daud, al-Tirmizi, al-Nasa`ie, Ibn Majah dan Ibn Khuzaimah).
Hadis ini menunjukkan bahawa betapa eratnya ahli al-Quran dengan solat witir kerana al-Quran merupakan kitab Allah dan witir itu merupakan ketunggalan Allah. Justeru digabungkan antara al-Quran dan witir. Kemungkinan juga kerana al-Quran kebiasaannya dibaca pada waktu malam dan ketika solat. Justeru amat sinonim hubung kait dan ikatan antara solat witir dengan pembaca al-Quran.
Hadis seterusnya yang bermaksud: Solat sunat witir dikurniakan kepada kita oleh Allah, dan ia satu solat yang lebih baik daripada unta merah. (Riwayat Abu Daud, Ibn Majah dan al-Tirmizi).
Ini menggambarkan kedudukan sebenar solat witir yang begitu tinggi di sisi Allah. Sehingga Rasulullah s.a.w membandingkan kelebihannya lebih daripada unta merah yang amat bernilai di sisi pengembala unta dan orang-orang Arab yang kaya.
Demikian juga Rasulullah s.a.w menegur dan berlepas diri daripadanya orang yang meninggalkannya dengan sabdanya yang bermaksud: Solat sunat witir adalah benar melaksanakannya justeru sesiapa yang tidak solat witir dia bukanlah daripada golongan kami, Rasulullah mengulangi sebanyak tiga kali. (Riwayat Imam Ahmad, Abu Daud dan al-Hakim).
Rasulullah s.a.w bersungguh-sungguh memelihara solat sunat witir sehingga baginda menyeru agar sesiapa yang khuatir tidak dapat mendirikannya pada lewat malam supaya mendirikannya pada awal malam.
Hal ini sebagaimana hadis daripada Jabir r.a berkata, sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud: Sesiapa yang bimbang tidak dapat mendirikannya pada tengah malam maka berwitirlah pada awal malam, tetapi siapa yang mampu mendirikannya pada tengah malam itu dipersaksikan dan yang demikian itu adalah lebih baik.
Bilangan rakaat witir sekurang-kurangnya satu rakaat dan makruh melakukan satu rakaat sahaja. Sekurang-kurang sempurna solat witir ialah tiga rakaat. Iaitu melakukannya secara dua rakaat bersambung dan satu rakaat lagi berasingan. Namun, yang paling sempurna adalah melakukannya sebanyak 11 rakaat dengan mengucap salam selepas setiap dua rakaat dan diakhiri dengan satu rakaat.
Adapun waktu solat witir ialah selepas solat Isyak hingga masuknya waktu solat Subuh. Solat witir boleh dilakukan secara berjemaah dan menjadi sunat pada bulan Ramadan dilakukannya bersama imam selepas terawih.
Semoga kita menjadi ahli witir dan qiamullail bukan hanya terbatas pada bulan Ramadan sahaja tetapi terus berlangsung selagi hayat dikandung badan.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 1 To 8
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 1 of 8
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 2 of 8
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 3 of 8
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 4 of 8
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 5 of 8
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 6 of 8
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 7 of 8
The Big Fight - Imam Mahdi vs Dajjal Part 8 of 8
Friday, August 12, 2011
Imam Mahadi - Ustaz Kazim Elias
Imam Mahadi - Ustaz Kazim Elias
SEJAK dahulu hinggalah ke hari ini masalah siapakah sebenarnya AI-Mahdi tidak henti-henti menjadi perkara yang diperbahaskan. Akibat daripada itu, terdapat setengah golongan umat Islam yang cuba mengandaikan seseorang sebagai Al-Mahdi. Sementara setengah pihak pula (Ahlu Sunnah WaI Jamaah) tidak menetapkan seseorang sebagai Al-Mahdi, sebaliknya menyerahkan perkara tersebut kepada urusan Allah SWT. Apa yang penting bagi kita ialah yakin akan kemunculannya sebagaimana yang dikhabarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW.
Bagi menjelaskan siapakah sebenarnya Ai-Mahdi, marilah kita merujuk kepada kitab-kitab para ulama Islam yang mu’tabar dan diakui kesahihannya. Di antara kitab-kitab tersebut ialah Al-Hawi Lii Fatawa karangan Imam As-Suyuti, Mukhtasar Fil Mahdi Al-Muntadzar dan As-Sawaiqul Mukhriqat karangan Ibnu Hajjar Al-Haitami, At-Tawadhihu Fl Tawaturi Ma Jaa Fil Muntadziri Waddajal Wal Masihi karangan Al-Allamah AsSyaukani, Ibrazul Wahmil Maknun Min Kalam Ibni Khaldun karangan Al-Muhaddits Sayid Ahmad Siddiq Al-Ghumari dan banyak lagi kitab-kitab lainnya yang menerangkan secara jelas tanda-tanda dan sifat-sifat Al-Mahdi sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh hadits-hadits Rasulullah SAW.
Kitab-kitab tersebut menerangkan bahawa nama Al-Mahdi ialah Muhammad bin Abdullah sementara gelarannya pula ialah Abu Abdullah. Menurut riwayat yang sah Al-Mahdi adalah dari keturunan Sayidina Hassan bin Ali. Sesungguhnya telah tsabit bahawa Al-Mahdi adalah keturunan Hassan bin Ali sebagaimana yang tersebut di dalam hadits sahih yang diriwayatkan oleh Al-Imam Abu Daud dalam Sunannya,
“Telah berkata Ali sambil memandang puteranya Hassan,” Sesungguhnya Puteraku ini ialah sayid sebagaimana yang telah dinamakan oleh Nabi SA W. Dari keturunannya akan lahir seorang lelaki yang namanya seperti nama Nabi kamu, menyerupai baginda dalam perangai dan tidak menyerupai baginda dalam rupa dan bentuk.”
Hadits ini telah disahkan oleh para ulama di antaranya Al-Manawi di dalam kitabnya Al-Kabir, Ibnu Atsir dalam kitabnya An-Nihayah, Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyah dalan kitabnya Gharibul Hadits dan Al-Manarul Munif Fi Sahihi Wad Dha’if, Al-Muhaddits Sayid Ahmad Siddiq Al-Ghumari di dalam kitabnya Aqidah Ahlil Islam Fi Nuzuli Isa AS dan lain-lain lagi.
Di dalam kitab Naqdul Manqul m.s 8O pengarang kitab tersebut memetik kenyataan lbnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, “kebanyakan hadits-hadits menunjukkan bahawa Al-Mahdi adalah anak dari Sayidina Hassan bin Ali.”
Abu Thahir Muhd Syamsul Haq dalam kitabnya ‘Aunal Ma’bud (syarah Sunan Abu Daud), memetik kenyataan Al-Hafiz Imanuddin yang menyebut bahawa hadits-hadits mengenai Al-Mahdi menunjukkan bahawa Ia dari ahli bait Rasulullah SAW, zuriat Fatimah dan anaknya Hassan bin Ali. (sila rujuk kitab ‘Aunal Ma’bud juzu’ II m.s 374 dan 382)
Tersebut di dalam kitab Hasyiah As-Sabban ms 137, bahawa riwayat yang mengatakan Al-Mahdi dari keturunan Al-Hussin adalah terlalu lemah. Sementara di dalam kitab Al-Iza’ah m.s 147 riwayat yang mengatakan Al-Mahdi dari keturunan AI-Hussin bin Ali adalah dha’if.
Terdapat juga hadits-hadits yang menyatakan bahawa Al-Mahdi dari keturunan Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib. Maka para ulama hadits menghimpunkan hadits yang berlawanan. Iaitu hadits-hadits yang mengatakan Al-Mahdi dari keturunan Sayidina Hassan bin Ali adalah sah dan hadits yang mengatakan AI-Mahdi dari keturunan Al-Abbas dan Al.Hussin adalah dha’if. Ini adalah sebagaimana kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Al-Hafiz Abut Hassan Ad-Darqatni.
Hadith Tentang Al-Mahdi
1. Dari Jabir bin Abdullah ra katanya ; "Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda, : "Sentiasa ada di kalangan umatku golongan yang berperang di atas kebenaran, mereka sentiasa zahir hingga hari Qiamat. Sabdanya lagi: "Kemudian turun Isya bin Maryam AS dari langit, dan berkata pemimpin mereka (Imam Mahdi), silalah menjadi imam solat kami dan Nabi Isya menjawab, tidak, bahawa sebahagian Kamu sebagai kemuliaan Allah SWT ke atas umat ini (umat Islam) . Hadtih riwayat Muslim.
2. Dari Ali bin Abu Talib bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Al-Mahdi itu dari ahlul bait, Allah membawa kebaikan dengannya dalam satu malam. Hadith riwayat Imam Ahmad.
3. Dari Dzar dari Abdullah dari Nabi SAW yang bersabda : "Sekiranya dunia hanya tinggal sehari sahaja (sebelum qiamat) nescaya Allah memanjangkan hari itu sehingga bangkit padanya seorang lelaki dari keturunanku atau dari kaum keluargaku, yang namanya spt namaku, nama bapanya spt nama bapaku, ia akan memenuhi bumi dengan keadilan dan saksama sebagaimana bumi dipenuhi kezaliman dan kekejaman. Hadith riwayat Abu Daud dan Turmizi.
4. Dari Abu Said Al-Khudri ra berkata : "Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda ; "Akan lahir dari umatku seorang lelaki yang menyeru dengan sunahku, Allah menurunkan hujan dari langit untuknya, bumi mengeluarkan kasil dan darinya buni dipenuhi dengan kedurjaan dan kekejaman. Ia memerintah umat ini selama tujuh tahun dan akan berada di baitul Maqdis. Hadith riwayat At-Tabarani.
5. Dari Aishah ra katanya, Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda : "Al-Mahdi itu seorang lelaki dari cucuku, ia akan berperang atas Sunnahku spt aku berperang atas wahyu". Hadith riwayat Na'im bin Hammad
6. Dari Said bin Al-Musaiyab dari Ummu Salmah yang berkata, "Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Al-Mahdi itu dari keturunanku dari anak cucu Fatimah". Hadith riwayat Muslim, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah, An-Nasa'i, At-Tabarani dan Al-Hakim
Namun, tidak terdapat hadits yang menyebut mengapa AI-Mahdi dinamakan Al-Mahdi, tetapi terdapat dua atsar sahabat dalam hal ini. Abdullah bin Syuzab berkata,
“Sebab ia dinamakan Al-Mahdi ialah kerana ia menunjukkan satu gunung di gunung negeri Syam. Ia mengeluarkan dari gua gunung tersebut lembaran-lembaran kitab Taurat. Al-Mahdi berhujah melawan orang-orang Yahudi menggunakan kitab tersebut dan mereka akhirnya kalah. Maka salah satu kumpulan orang-orang Yahudi memeluk Islam.” Atsar ini diriwayatkan oleh Al-Hafiz Ad-Dani dalam Sunannya.
Daripada Ka’ab bin Alaqamah berkata,
“Sebab dinamakannya Al-Mahdi ialah kerana ia menunjukkan pada suatu perkara yang telah hilang, dia mengeluarkan peti dari negeri Antakiah (peti berisi lembaran kitab Taurat dan lain-lain). Diriwayatkan oleh Na’im bin Hammad dalam kitabnya Al-Fitan.
Al-Muhaddits Sayid Ahmad Siddiq Al-Ghumari menerangkan di dalam kitabnya Aqidah Ahlil Islam Fi Nuzuli Isa AS bahawa Al-Mahdi dilahirkan di Madinah Al-Munawwarah serta dibesarkan di sana. Sebelum umat Islam berbai’at dengannya, berlakulah satu peperangan yang besar di antara penduduk Madinah dengan tentera-tentera As-Syufiani. Dalam peperangan tersebut, penduduk Madinah mengalami kekalahan dan mereka lari bersama-sama Al-Mahdi ke Makkah. Di Makkah datanglah orang dari berbagai-bagal negeri kerana berbai’at dengannya di suatu tempat iaitu di antara Hajar Aswad dan Maqam Ibrahim.
Tanda-tanda keluarnya Al-Mahdi dinyatakan di dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Said, Ummu Salamah, Aisyah bin Malik dan Huzaifah Al-Yamani.
Di antara tanda-tanda menunjukkan kemunculan Al-Mahdi itu ada beberapa perkara:
1. Pecah Sungai Furat yang terbesar dalam negeri Iraq masuk ke Laut Parsi.
2. Gerhana bulan pada awal malan daripada bulan Ramadhan dan gerhana matahari dari awal bulan Ramadhan.
3. Gerhana bulan dua kali dalam bulan Ramadhan
4. Naik tanduk di langit umpama beberapa gigi.
5. Naik bintang yang berekor yang cerah di sebelah timur
6. Zahir api yang besar dari timur selama tiga malam atau tujuh malam
7. Zahir kelam pada langit.
8. Zahir merah pada langit yang berhamburan ia pada segala tepi langit yang lain daripada merah di tepi langit yang biasa.
9. Seruan yang umum dari langit kepada sekelian ahli bumi dengan loghat masing-masing bahawa Al-Mahdi telah zahir.
10. Tenggelam kampung Khrastan di dalam negeri Syam (Syria).
11. Diserukan daripada Iangit akan nama Imam Mahdi dengan seruan yang tersangat kuat hingga didengar oleh alhi bumi danipada Timur ke Barat. Maka orang yang tidur menjadi jaga, orang yang berdiri menjadi duduk dan orang yang terduduk menjadi terdiri di atas kedua kakinya kerana terlalu terkejut.
12. Zahir jemaah dari lelaki atau kuda di dalam bulan Syawal. Kemudian maka kedengaran suara yang menunjuk atas yang bathil. Peperangan dalam bulan Zulhijjah serta ramai sehingga mengalir darah di atas Jamratul Aqabah di Mina (tempat melontar).
13. Zahir banyak gempa bumi.
14. Datang dua seruan dari langit. Seruan yang pertama iaitulah seruan daripada langit dengan katanya, “Ketahuilah olehmu akan bahawa seorang yang keluar pada bumi yang bernama Mahdi itu sebenarnya keluarga Muhammad.” (Dan seruan kedua) iaitulah seruan syaitan dengan katanya, “Ketahuilah olehmu bahawa seorang yang keluar pada bumi yang bernama Mahdi itu sebenarnya dari ketuarga Isa.” (Lihat AdDuratun Nafi’ah Fi Isyratis Sa’ah)
Setengah-tengah ulama’ telah menamakan tokoh-tokoh tertentu sebagai Al-Mahdi. Al-Mahdi yang mereka maksudkan ialah pemimpin-peminipin Islam yang adil selepas Rasulullah SAW. berpandukan hadits Rasulullah SAW,
“Tetaplah kamu dengan sunnahku dan sunnah khulafa Ar-Rasydin Al-Mahdi (yang mendapat petunjuk).” — Riwayat Abu Daud dan At-Tarmizi
Berpandukan hadits ini maka para ulama Ahli Sunnah Wal Jammah ada yang menentukan seseorang sebagai Al-Mahdi, tetapi bukanlah sebagai Al-Mahdi Muntadzar sebagaimana yang disebut oleh Rasulullah SAW yang muncul di akhir zaman.
Hassan Ibrahini Hassan dalam kitabnya, Tarikhul Islam jüzu’ I m.s 407 menyebut dengan panjang lebar akan masalah ini dan menjelaskan, “Bahawa Al-Mahdi yang dikatakan oleh beberapa ulama’ di dalam kitab-kitab mereka ada beberapa orang itu bukanlah Al-Mahdi yang akan muncul di akhir zaman.”
Al-Imam Ahmad Hanbal sendiri pernah menyebut, “Bahawasanya Umar bin Abdul Aziz tidak syak lagi adalah ia Al-Mahdi, tetapi bukanlah Al-Mahdi yang akan keluar di akhir zaman. Tetapi adalah Al-Mahdi yang mendirikan kebenaran dan kebajikan” (sila lihat kitab Naqdul Manqul ms 78-79)
Golongan Syiah yang berpendapat bahawa Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Askari sebagai Al-Mahdi juga tidak menyebutnya sebagai Al-Mahdi Muntadzar yang muncul di akhir zaman. Sebaliknya mereka menyebutnya sebagai Al-Mahdi yang akan memimpin mereka atas kebenaran dan kebajikan. (sila lihat kitab ‘Aunal Ma’bud juzu’ II ms 382)
Imam Mahadi - Ustaz Kazim Elias
SEJAK dahulu hinggalah ke hari ini masalah siapakah sebenarnya AI-Mahdi tidak henti-henti menjadi perkara yang diperbahaskan. Akibat daripada itu, terdapat setengah golongan umat Islam yang cuba mengandaikan seseorang sebagai Al-Mahdi. Sementara setengah pihak pula (Ahlu Sunnah WaI Jamaah) tidak menetapkan seseorang sebagai Al-Mahdi, sebaliknya menyerahkan perkara tersebut kepada urusan Allah SWT. Apa yang penting bagi kita ialah yakin akan kemunculannya sebagaimana yang dikhabarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW.
Bagi menjelaskan siapakah sebenarnya Ai-Mahdi, marilah kita merujuk kepada kitab-kitab para ulama Islam yang mu’tabar dan diakui kesahihannya. Di antara kitab-kitab tersebut ialah Al-Hawi Lii Fatawa karangan Imam As-Suyuti, Mukhtasar Fil Mahdi Al-Muntadzar dan As-Sawaiqul Mukhriqat karangan Ibnu Hajjar Al-Haitami, At-Tawadhihu Fl Tawaturi Ma Jaa Fil Muntadziri Waddajal Wal Masihi karangan Al-Allamah AsSyaukani, Ibrazul Wahmil Maknun Min Kalam Ibni Khaldun karangan Al-Muhaddits Sayid Ahmad Siddiq Al-Ghumari dan banyak lagi kitab-kitab lainnya yang menerangkan secara jelas tanda-tanda dan sifat-sifat Al-Mahdi sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh hadits-hadits Rasulullah SAW.
Kitab-kitab tersebut menerangkan bahawa nama Al-Mahdi ialah Muhammad bin Abdullah sementara gelarannya pula ialah Abu Abdullah. Menurut riwayat yang sah Al-Mahdi adalah dari keturunan Sayidina Hassan bin Ali. Sesungguhnya telah tsabit bahawa Al-Mahdi adalah keturunan Hassan bin Ali sebagaimana yang tersebut di dalam hadits sahih yang diriwayatkan oleh Al-Imam Abu Daud dalam Sunannya,
“Telah berkata Ali sambil memandang puteranya Hassan,” Sesungguhnya Puteraku ini ialah sayid sebagaimana yang telah dinamakan oleh Nabi SA W. Dari keturunannya akan lahir seorang lelaki yang namanya seperti nama Nabi kamu, menyerupai baginda dalam perangai dan tidak menyerupai baginda dalam rupa dan bentuk.”
Hadits ini telah disahkan oleh para ulama di antaranya Al-Manawi di dalam kitabnya Al-Kabir, Ibnu Atsir dalam kitabnya An-Nihayah, Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyah dalan kitabnya Gharibul Hadits dan Al-Manarul Munif Fi Sahihi Wad Dha’if, Al-Muhaddits Sayid Ahmad Siddiq Al-Ghumari di dalam kitabnya Aqidah Ahlil Islam Fi Nuzuli Isa AS dan lain-lain lagi.
Di dalam kitab Naqdul Manqul m.s 8O pengarang kitab tersebut memetik kenyataan lbnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, “kebanyakan hadits-hadits menunjukkan bahawa Al-Mahdi adalah anak dari Sayidina Hassan bin Ali.”
Abu Thahir Muhd Syamsul Haq dalam kitabnya ‘Aunal Ma’bud (syarah Sunan Abu Daud), memetik kenyataan Al-Hafiz Imanuddin yang menyebut bahawa hadits-hadits mengenai Al-Mahdi menunjukkan bahawa Ia dari ahli bait Rasulullah SAW, zuriat Fatimah dan anaknya Hassan bin Ali. (sila rujuk kitab ‘Aunal Ma’bud juzu’ II m.s 374 dan 382)
Tersebut di dalam kitab Hasyiah As-Sabban ms 137, bahawa riwayat yang mengatakan Al-Mahdi dari keturunan Al-Hussin adalah terlalu lemah. Sementara di dalam kitab Al-Iza’ah m.s 147 riwayat yang mengatakan Al-Mahdi dari keturunan AI-Hussin bin Ali adalah dha’if.
Terdapat juga hadits-hadits yang menyatakan bahawa Al-Mahdi dari keturunan Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib. Maka para ulama hadits menghimpunkan hadits yang berlawanan. Iaitu hadits-hadits yang mengatakan Al-Mahdi dari keturunan Sayidina Hassan bin Ali adalah sah dan hadits yang mengatakan AI-Mahdi dari keturunan Al-Abbas dan Al.Hussin adalah dha’if. Ini adalah sebagaimana kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Al-Hafiz Abut Hassan Ad-Darqatni.
Hadith Tentang Al-Mahdi
1. Dari Jabir bin Abdullah ra katanya ; "Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda, : "Sentiasa ada di kalangan umatku golongan yang berperang di atas kebenaran, mereka sentiasa zahir hingga hari Qiamat. Sabdanya lagi: "Kemudian turun Isya bin Maryam AS dari langit, dan berkata pemimpin mereka (Imam Mahdi), silalah menjadi imam solat kami dan Nabi Isya menjawab, tidak, bahawa sebahagian Kamu sebagai kemuliaan Allah SWT ke atas umat ini (umat Islam) . Hadtih riwayat Muslim.
2. Dari Ali bin Abu Talib bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Al-Mahdi itu dari ahlul bait, Allah membawa kebaikan dengannya dalam satu malam. Hadith riwayat Imam Ahmad.
3. Dari Dzar dari Abdullah dari Nabi SAW yang bersabda : "Sekiranya dunia hanya tinggal sehari sahaja (sebelum qiamat) nescaya Allah memanjangkan hari itu sehingga bangkit padanya seorang lelaki dari keturunanku atau dari kaum keluargaku, yang namanya spt namaku, nama bapanya spt nama bapaku, ia akan memenuhi bumi dengan keadilan dan saksama sebagaimana bumi dipenuhi kezaliman dan kekejaman. Hadith riwayat Abu Daud dan Turmizi.
4. Dari Abu Said Al-Khudri ra berkata : "Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda ; "Akan lahir dari umatku seorang lelaki yang menyeru dengan sunahku, Allah menurunkan hujan dari langit untuknya, bumi mengeluarkan kasil dan darinya buni dipenuhi dengan kedurjaan dan kekejaman. Ia memerintah umat ini selama tujuh tahun dan akan berada di baitul Maqdis. Hadith riwayat At-Tabarani.
5. Dari Aishah ra katanya, Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda : "Al-Mahdi itu seorang lelaki dari cucuku, ia akan berperang atas Sunnahku spt aku berperang atas wahyu". Hadith riwayat Na'im bin Hammad
6. Dari Said bin Al-Musaiyab dari Ummu Salmah yang berkata, "Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Al-Mahdi itu dari keturunanku dari anak cucu Fatimah". Hadith riwayat Muslim, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah, An-Nasa'i, At-Tabarani dan Al-Hakim
Namun, tidak terdapat hadits yang menyebut mengapa AI-Mahdi dinamakan Al-Mahdi, tetapi terdapat dua atsar sahabat dalam hal ini. Abdullah bin Syuzab berkata,
“Sebab ia dinamakan Al-Mahdi ialah kerana ia menunjukkan satu gunung di gunung negeri Syam. Ia mengeluarkan dari gua gunung tersebut lembaran-lembaran kitab Taurat. Al-Mahdi berhujah melawan orang-orang Yahudi menggunakan kitab tersebut dan mereka akhirnya kalah. Maka salah satu kumpulan orang-orang Yahudi memeluk Islam.” Atsar ini diriwayatkan oleh Al-Hafiz Ad-Dani dalam Sunannya.
Daripada Ka’ab bin Alaqamah berkata,
“Sebab dinamakannya Al-Mahdi ialah kerana ia menunjukkan pada suatu perkara yang telah hilang, dia mengeluarkan peti dari negeri Antakiah (peti berisi lembaran kitab Taurat dan lain-lain). Diriwayatkan oleh Na’im bin Hammad dalam kitabnya Al-Fitan.
Al-Muhaddits Sayid Ahmad Siddiq Al-Ghumari menerangkan di dalam kitabnya Aqidah Ahlil Islam Fi Nuzuli Isa AS bahawa Al-Mahdi dilahirkan di Madinah Al-Munawwarah serta dibesarkan di sana. Sebelum umat Islam berbai’at dengannya, berlakulah satu peperangan yang besar di antara penduduk Madinah dengan tentera-tentera As-Syufiani. Dalam peperangan tersebut, penduduk Madinah mengalami kekalahan dan mereka lari bersama-sama Al-Mahdi ke Makkah. Di Makkah datanglah orang dari berbagai-bagal negeri kerana berbai’at dengannya di suatu tempat iaitu di antara Hajar Aswad dan Maqam Ibrahim.
Tanda-tanda keluarnya Al-Mahdi dinyatakan di dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Said, Ummu Salamah, Aisyah bin Malik dan Huzaifah Al-Yamani.
Di antara tanda-tanda menunjukkan kemunculan Al-Mahdi itu ada beberapa perkara:
1. Pecah Sungai Furat yang terbesar dalam negeri Iraq masuk ke Laut Parsi.
2. Gerhana bulan pada awal malan daripada bulan Ramadhan dan gerhana matahari dari awal bulan Ramadhan.
3. Gerhana bulan dua kali dalam bulan Ramadhan
4. Naik tanduk di langit umpama beberapa gigi.
5. Naik bintang yang berekor yang cerah di sebelah timur
6. Zahir api yang besar dari timur selama tiga malam atau tujuh malam
7. Zahir kelam pada langit.
8. Zahir merah pada langit yang berhamburan ia pada segala tepi langit yang lain daripada merah di tepi langit yang biasa.
9. Seruan yang umum dari langit kepada sekelian ahli bumi dengan loghat masing-masing bahawa Al-Mahdi telah zahir.
10. Tenggelam kampung Khrastan di dalam negeri Syam (Syria).
11. Diserukan daripada Iangit akan nama Imam Mahdi dengan seruan yang tersangat kuat hingga didengar oleh alhi bumi danipada Timur ke Barat. Maka orang yang tidur menjadi jaga, orang yang berdiri menjadi duduk dan orang yang terduduk menjadi terdiri di atas kedua kakinya kerana terlalu terkejut.
12. Zahir jemaah dari lelaki atau kuda di dalam bulan Syawal. Kemudian maka kedengaran suara yang menunjuk atas yang bathil. Peperangan dalam bulan Zulhijjah serta ramai sehingga mengalir darah di atas Jamratul Aqabah di Mina (tempat melontar).
13. Zahir banyak gempa bumi.
14. Datang dua seruan dari langit. Seruan yang pertama iaitulah seruan daripada langit dengan katanya, “Ketahuilah olehmu akan bahawa seorang yang keluar pada bumi yang bernama Mahdi itu sebenarnya keluarga Muhammad.” (Dan seruan kedua) iaitulah seruan syaitan dengan katanya, “Ketahuilah olehmu bahawa seorang yang keluar pada bumi yang bernama Mahdi itu sebenarnya dari ketuarga Isa.” (Lihat AdDuratun Nafi’ah Fi Isyratis Sa’ah)
Setengah-tengah ulama’ telah menamakan tokoh-tokoh tertentu sebagai Al-Mahdi. Al-Mahdi yang mereka maksudkan ialah pemimpin-peminipin Islam yang adil selepas Rasulullah SAW. berpandukan hadits Rasulullah SAW,
“Tetaplah kamu dengan sunnahku dan sunnah khulafa Ar-Rasydin Al-Mahdi (yang mendapat petunjuk).” — Riwayat Abu Daud dan At-Tarmizi
Berpandukan hadits ini maka para ulama Ahli Sunnah Wal Jammah ada yang menentukan seseorang sebagai Al-Mahdi, tetapi bukanlah sebagai Al-Mahdi Muntadzar sebagaimana yang disebut oleh Rasulullah SAW yang muncul di akhir zaman.
Hassan Ibrahini Hassan dalam kitabnya, Tarikhul Islam jüzu’ I m.s 407 menyebut dengan panjang lebar akan masalah ini dan menjelaskan, “Bahawa Al-Mahdi yang dikatakan oleh beberapa ulama’ di dalam kitab-kitab mereka ada beberapa orang itu bukanlah Al-Mahdi yang akan muncul di akhir zaman.”
Al-Imam Ahmad Hanbal sendiri pernah menyebut, “Bahawasanya Umar bin Abdul Aziz tidak syak lagi adalah ia Al-Mahdi, tetapi bukanlah Al-Mahdi yang akan keluar di akhir zaman. Tetapi adalah Al-Mahdi yang mendirikan kebenaran dan kebajikan” (sila lihat kitab Naqdul Manqul ms 78-79)
Golongan Syiah yang berpendapat bahawa Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Askari sebagai Al-Mahdi juga tidak menyebutnya sebagai Al-Mahdi Muntadzar yang muncul di akhir zaman. Sebaliknya mereka menyebutnya sebagai Al-Mahdi yang akan memimpin mereka atas kebenaran dan kebajikan. (sila lihat kitab ‘Aunal Ma’bud juzu’ II ms 382)
Imam Mahadi - Ustaz Kazim Elias
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Indoor Gardening : How to Grow Pepper Plants Inside
Indoor Gardening : How to Grow Pepper Plants Inside
Grow your own pepper plants in your home, with plants such as jalapeños, cayenne and habañero peppers available. Spice up your indoor garden with the help of a nursery proprietor in this free video.
Expert: Frank Burkard
Bio: Frank Burkard, Jr., the third-generation proprietor of Burkard Nurseries, carries on the family tradition.
Filmmaker: Max Cusimano
Series Description: Indoor gardening can allow you to grow plants such as herbs, peppers and vegetables in places without access to a yard or outdoor area. Make your own garden of dreams with the help of a nursery owner in this free video.
Grow your own pepper plants in your home, with plants such as jalapeños, cayenne and habañero peppers available. Spice up your indoor garden with the help of a nursery proprietor in this free video.
Expert: Frank Burkard
Bio: Frank Burkard, Jr., the third-generation proprietor of Burkard Nurseries, carries on the family tradition.
Filmmaker: Max Cusimano
Series Description: Indoor gardening can allow you to grow plants such as herbs, peppers and vegetables in places without access to a yard or outdoor area. Make your own garden of dreams with the help of a nursery owner in this free video.
Indoor Gardening : How to Grow Vegetables Indoors in a Pot
Indoor Gardening : How to Grow Vegetables Indoors
Potting a vegetable and growing it indoors gives you better control over the growing of your plant. Cultivate vegetables you want to eat with the help of a nursery proprietor in this free video.
Expert: Frank Burkard
Bio: Frank Burkard, Jr., the third-generation proprietor of Burkard Nurseries, carries on the family tradition.
Filmmaker: Max Cusimano
Series Description: Indoor gardening can allow you to grow plants such as herbs, peppers and vegetables in places without access to a yard or outdoor area. Make your own garden of dreams with the help of a nursery owner in this free video.
Potting a vegetable and growing it indoors gives you better control over the growing of your plant. Cultivate vegetables you want to eat with the help of a nursery proprietor in this free video.
Expert: Frank Burkard
Bio: Frank Burkard, Jr., the third-generation proprietor of Burkard Nurseries, carries on the family tradition.
Filmmaker: Max Cusimano
Series Description: Indoor gardening can allow you to grow plants such as herbs, peppers and vegetables in places without access to a yard or outdoor area. Make your own garden of dreams with the help of a nursery owner in this free video.
Video marketing tutorial- What is video marketing
Video marketing tutorial-What is video marketing
Online video marketing is an essential part of a business marketing strategy. This introduction to internet video marketing explains how to do video marketing and provides video marketing tips. This tutorial gives advice on how video marketing can help with marketing a small business or organisation of any size. Video from Kent video marketing and video production company Kersh Media.
Online video marketing is an essential part of a business marketing strategy. This introduction to internet video marketing explains how to do video marketing and provides video marketing tips. This tutorial gives advice on how video marketing can help with marketing a small business or organisation of any size. Video from Kent video marketing and video production company Kersh Media.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Soldiers of Imam al-Mahdi (atfs)
The Soldiers of Imam al-Mahdi (atfs)
By: Najmuddin Tabasi
The forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will be composed of various nationalities and at the time of uprising they will be called through unique means. The individuals who have been designated before as commanders will assume the responsibility of guiding the soldiers and planning war operations.
The soldiers to be accepted in the army of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) under special circumstances have peculiar characteristics of their own. Some will be present in the primary staff and some will join the army. A group has been called the security guard corps.
In this chapter, we will take a look at the hadiths related to this topic.
Commanders of the Army
In the hadiths we can read the names of the individuals who have been associated with particular military operations and the command of a number of soldiers. In this section, we shall mention the names and functions of some of them:
1. Hadrat ‘Isa (Jesus Christ) (‘a)
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said in a sermon (khutbah): “…Then the Mahdi (‘atfs) will appoint Hadrat ‘Isa (‘a) as his representative in the offensive operations against ad-Dajjal (the Anti-Christ). ‘Isa (‘a) will set out to capture and suppress ad-Dajjal.
Ad-Dajjal who will then be controlling the entire world, destroying agriculture and human generation, will call the people toward him and anyone who accepts him will be treated with favor and anyone who refuses to accept him would be killed. He will travel throughout the world, with the exception of Mecca, Medina and Bayt al-Muqaddas (Jerusalem), and all the illegitimate children from both the east and the west of the globe will rally around him.
“Ad-Dajjal will set out toward the Hijaz and ‘Isa (‘a) will intercept him at the passage of Harsha. ‘Isa (‘a) will direct a horrible shout at him and strike him a decisive blow. Ad-Dajjal will melt in a blazing fire like lead melting in fire.”
The penetration of the blow that will lead to the melting of ad-Dajjal is perhaps due to the use of the ultramodern weapons at that time, or it could be due to one of the miracles of Hadrat ‘Isa.
Concerning the salient features of Hadrat ‘Isa (‘a), it is thus stated: “He has such magnificence that once the enemy sees him he will remember death as if ‘Isa was demanding his life.”
2. Shu‘ayb ibn Salih
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The Sufyani and the bearers of the black banners will confront each other while among the latter there will be a young man from the Bani Hashim in the palm of whose left hand would be a black mole. He would be in front of his soldiers and would be from the tribe of Bani Tamim. His name is Shu‘ayb ibn Salih.”
Hasan al-Basri said: “In the land of Rey a person named Shu‘ayb ibn Salih will appear having broad shoulders, a dark complexion, and beardless. There will be an army of four thousand men under his command whose garments will be white and their banners will be black. They will constitute the vanguard of the Mahdi’s army.”
‘Ammar ibn Yasir said: “Shu‘ayb ibn Salih is the standard-bearer of Hadrat al-Mahdi.”
Shablanji said: “The commander of the advance forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will be a man from the tribe of Bani Tamim with a slight beard and who will be called, Shu‘ayb ibn Salih.”
Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah said: “An army will set out from Khurasan that will wear black belts and white shirts. One of the army’s vanguards will be the commander called Shu‘ayb ibn Salih or Salih ibn Shu‘ayb who is from the tribe of Bani Tamim. They will defeat the soldiers of the Sufyani and drive them away; they will arrive in Bayt al-Muqaddas and pave the ground for the government of Hadrat al-Mahdi.”
3. Isma‘il the Son of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) and ‘Abdullah ibn Sharik
Abu Khadijah said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “I asked God to keep (my son) Isma‘il alive after me but He did not grant it, but granted him another station. He will be the first person to reappear along with his ten companions. ‘Abdullah ibn Sharik will be his standard-bearer and one of his ten companions.”
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “It is as if I can see ‘Abdullah ibn Sharik al-‘Amiri who has put a black turban on his head with the two sides of his turban placed between his shoulders. With an army of four thousand men as vanguards of our Qa’im, they will climb the mountain slope and always utter takbir.”
4. ‘Aqil and Harith
Hadrat ‘Ali (‘a) said: “Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘a) will let the army advance until they will arrive in Iraq in such a manner that soldiers will be moving to his front and at the rear. The commander of the advance forces will be a man named ‘Aqil while the commander of the rear soldiers will be a man named Harith.”
5. Jubayr ibn Khabur
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) quoted the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) as saying: “While their weapons have already been drawn from the scabbards, this person—Jubayr—along with four thousand men in Jabal al-Ahwaz will wait for the advent of the Qa’im from among us, the Ahl al-Bayt. Then, this person along with and beside the Imam will engage in combat against the enemy.”[11][275]
6. ‘Umar ibn Mufaddal
Imam as-Sadiq said to Mufaddal: “You, along with forty four other persons, will be with Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs). You will be on the right side of the Imam (‘a) enjoining (good) and forbidding (evil), and the people at that time, compared to the people of today, will believe in you more sincerely.”[12][276]
7. The Companions of the Cave (ashab al-kahf)
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The Companions of the Cave (ashab al-kahf) will come to assist the Mahdi (‘atfs).”[13][277]
The Nationality of the Soldiers
The forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will be composed of various nationalities. In the hadiths there are various views in this regard. Sometimes, the soldiers of the Imam (‘atfs) have been described as a‘jam—interpreted as non-Arabs.
Some hadiths cite the names of the cities and countries from which soldiers will hasten to assist the Imam (‘atfs). At other times, they have mentioned particular communities (aqwam) such as the repentant from among the Children of Israel, the faithful among the Christians, and upright people to be revived in the future, who will assist the Imam (‘a).
In this chapter, we will mention some hadiths in this regard.
1. Iranians
It can be understood from the hadiths that a considerable number of the special soldiers in the army of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) would be Iranians and they have been mentioned in various ways such as the people of Rey, the people of Khurasan, the treasures of Taleqan, the Qummis, the people of Persia, etc.
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The forces with black banners that will rise up from Khurasan will come to Kufah, and when Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) appears in Mecca, they will pay allegiance to him.”[14][278]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) also said: “The supporters of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘a) will be three hundred and thirteen persons who will be from the children of the a‘jam (non-Arabs).”[15][279]
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said that the Prophet (S) said: “God will give your (Muslims’) power to the a‘jam; they are like lions that will never desert the battlefield. They will kill you (Arabs) and plunder your properties.”[16][280]
Hudhayfah also narrated a hadith with the same content from the Prophet (S).[17][281] Of course, the implication of the hadith is debatable and problematic. Based on the hadiths, a time will come when the Iranians will unsheathe their swords against the Arabs to spread Islam and make them return to Islam, and they will slay those who oppose them. The condition of the Arabs at that time will be very deplorable with difficult and unpleasant days awaiting them.
Although a‘jam is said to be the non-Arabs, the Iranians are definitely included. On the basis of other hadiths, both in preparing the ground for operations to be conducted prior to the advent (zuhur) and at the time of the uprising of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs), the Iranians will have a pivotal role and they will constitute a large number of combatants.
In a sermon delivered by ‘Ali (‘a) regarding the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) and their nationalities, the names of some Iranian cities have been mentioned.
Asbagh ibn Nabatah said that the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) delivered a sermon in which he mentioned Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) and his supporters who will accompany him in the uprising, saying: “One is from Ahwaz; one from Shushtar; three are from Shiraz whose names are Hafs, Ya‘qub and ‘Ali; four are from Isfahan whose names are Musa, ‘Ali, ‘Abdullah, and Ghalfan; one from Burujerd named Qadim; one is from Nahavand named ‘Abdur-Razzaq; three are from Hamedan[18][282] whose names are Ja‘far, Ishaq and Musa; ten are from Qum whose names are that of the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah (and in another hadith eighteen have been mentioned); one from Shirvan’; and one is from Khurasan named Darid.
There are also five whose names are that of the Companions of the Cave; one from Amul; one from Gorgan; one from Damghan; one from Sarakhs; one from Saveh; twenty four from Taleqan; two from Qazvin; one from Fars; one from Abhar; one from Ardebil; three from Maragheh; one from Khuy; one from Salmas; three from Abadan; and one from Kazerun.”
Then, the Commander of the Faithful said: “The Noble Prophet (S) mentioned to me three hundred and thirteen persons of the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) equal to the number of the supporters in (the Battle of) Badr, and he said: ‘God will bring them from both the east and the west to the precinct of the Ka‘bah’ faster than the blink of an eye.”[19][283]
As you can observe, among the three hundred and thirteen persons constituting the special corps of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs)—who will accompany him at the beginning of the uprising—seventy two will come from the present cities of Iran. If we also take into account what has been narrated in Dala’il al-Imamah[20][284] of Tabari and the names of cities that were in Iran at that time, the number of Iranians will become more than this.
In this hadith the name of a city is sometimes mentioned twice, sometimes the names of some cities in a country, and at other times the name of the very country has been mentioned.
In case the hadith has been correctly recorded, it perhaps bespeaks of the divisions and the names used at that time, thus geographical divisions in the present age cannot serve as the criteria to interpret and understand this hadith; for, the names of cities change over time; sometimes, the name of one city is used for a country at the present time or vice versa.
The other point is that by collating the names of cities (mentioned in the hadith in question) with the present geographical map of the world, it can be concluded perhaps that the supporters of the Imam are scattered throughout the world and it is possible that the word “afranjah” mentioned in the hadith refers to the western hemisphere. If this collation and statement were correct, the hadith will become meaningful with the dictum, “قلبت خليت لو”. It is because at no time will the earth be devoid of good men; otherwise, it will come to an end.
In other hadiths, some cities have been especially mentioned. Here, we will suffice to mention some hadiths concerning the cities of Qum, Khurasan and Taleqan:
a. Qum
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The soil of Qum is holy… Aren’t they the supporters of our Qa’im and callers toward our right?”[21][285]
‘Affan al-Basiri said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said to him: “Do you know why Qum is named “Qum”?” I replied: “God, His Messenger and you know better.” He said: “It is called Qum because its inhabitants will rally behind the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘atfs) and rise up along with him (‘atfs). Along this line, they will show their perseverance and assist him (‘atfs).”[22][286]
b. Khurasan
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “…There are treasures in Khurasan but they are not gold and silver. Instead, they are men who will gather together on their belief in God and His Messenger.”[23][287] Perhaps, it means that what they have in common is the correct belief in God and His Messenger, or it may mean that God will gather them one day in Mecca.
c. Taleqan
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “Blessed is Taleqan! It is because God has treasures there which are neither gold nor silver. Instead, they are men of faith who have really recognized God and they will be the companions of the Mahdi (Guided One) of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘atfs) at the end of time.”[24][288]
2. Arabs
The hadiths related to the participation of Arabs in the uprising of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘a) can be classified into two. Some indicate their lack of participation in the revolution of al-Mahdi while a number of other hadiths mention some cities in Arab countries in which there are those who will rise up to support the Imam.
Assuming that they are authentic, the hadiths that talk about the lack of participation of the Arabs can be justified. For, it might be possible that there will be no Arabs among the soldiers who will accompany the Imam at the beginning of the uprising. Shaykh Hurr ‘Amili in the book, Ithbat al-Hudah, has interpreted it this way.
Concerning the Arab cities mentioned in the hadiths, perhaps non-Arab soldiers residing there will hasten to aid the Imam, and not those who are Arab in origin. It may also mean that it refers to Arab governments and states. Let us look at this category of hadiths:
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “Keep aloof from the Arabs for they will have a gloomy and dangerous future; isn’t it that no one from among them will accompany Hadrat al-Mahdi in his uprising?”[25][289] Shaykh Hurr ‘Amili said: “Perhaps this statement of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) refers to the beginning of the Mahdi’s uprising, or it alludes to their minimal participation…”
The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Great and noble personalities from the land of Sham will join al-Mahdi (‘atfs) as well as those from the various tribes and lands adjacent to Sham; they are the ones whose hearts are said to be like pieces of iron. They are worshippers at night and lions during the day.”[26][290]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “Three hundred and thirteen persons, the same number as that of the supporters (Muslim soldiers) in the Battle of Badr, will pay allegiance to Hadrat al-Mahdi in between the rukn and maqam (in the Ka‘bah). From among them, great figures from among the people of Egypt, good men from Sham, and good men from among the people of Iraq can be seen and the Imam will rule to the extent that God would wish.”[27][291]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) also said concerning the city of Kufah: “When Hadrat al-Qa’im appears and proceeds to Kufah, God will choose from behind Kufah (Najaf al-Ashraf) seventy thousand truthful and upright people. They will be among the supporters and companions of the Imam.”[28][292]
Muslims Concept of Imam mahdi (AS)
3. The Followers of Various Religions
Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar reported that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “During the advent of the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a), some people will come from behind the Ka‘bah such as the twenty seven persons from the community (qawm) of Musa (Moses)—those who rightfully give judgment; the seven persons from the Companions of the Cave; Yusha‘ the executor of Musa’s will (wasi) (Joshua); the believer from the family of Pharaoh; Salman al-Farsi; Abu Dujanah al-Ansari;[29][293] and Malik al-Ashtar.”[30][294]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The souls of the believers can see the Progeny of Muhammad (‘a) in the mountains of Radawi, partake of their food, drink their beverages, participate in their assemblies, and talk with them until such time that the Qa’im from among us, the Ahl al-Bayt, rises up. At that time, God will incite them; they will accept the call of the Imam in large groups and accompany him. During that time, those who possess false beliefs will fall into doubt and skepticism, and the groups, parties, and claimants to fellowships and partisanships will disintegrate while those who are near to God (muqarrabin) (and the believers) will attain salvation.”[31][295]
Ibn Jarih reported: “I have heard that when the twelve tribes of the Children of Israel killed their prophets and turned infidels, one tribe regretted doing such an act and was disgusted with it; they asked God to separate them from the rest of the tribes. God opened a tunnel underground in which they travelled for the period of one year and a half until they came out behind the land of China, and up to now they are still there. They are Muslims and they face our Qiblah.”[32][296]
Some say that on the night of the ascension (mi‘raj), Jibra’il brought the Noble Prophet (S) to them, and the Prophet (S) read for them ten Meccan chapters (suwar) of the Qur’an. They were convinced and acknowledged his prophetic mission. The Prophet (S) ordered them to stay there, abandon work on Saturday (which is the Sabbath day for the Jews), establish prayer, and give the poor-rate (zakat). They accepted it and performed these duties.[33][297] And the other obligations had not been made incumbent upon them.
Ibn ‘Abbas said: “In the exegesis of the blessed verse (ayah):
وَقُلْنَا مِن بَعْدِهِ لِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ اسْكُنُواْ الأَرْضَ فَإِذَا جَاء وَعْدُ الآخِرَةِ جِئْنَا بِكُمْ لَفِيفًا
“After him We said to the Children of Israel, ‘Take up residence in the land, and when the occasion of the other (promise) comes, We shall gather you in mixed company,”[34][298]
It is said that the “promise in the end” (wa‘dah al-akhirah) refers to the advent of Hadrat ‘Isa (‘a) who, along with the Children of Israel, will rise up. Our companions, however, have narrated that they will rise with the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a).”[35][299]
On the exegesis of the noble verse, “Among the people of Moses is a nation who guide (the people) by the truth and do justice thereby,”[36][300] the late Majlisi said: “There is a difference of opinions as to who constitute this ummah.”
Others such as Ibn ‘Abbas say: “They are a community that lives beyond China. Their land has been largely separated from China by a desert full of sand. They will never make any changes in the law of God.”[37][301]
In describing them, Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “They do not regard property as exclusive to them unless their brethren in faith are treated as partners to it. They also rest at night and are awake in the day, and are engaged in agriculture. But none of us (people) could go to their land and none of them will come to us (people), and they are on the right path.”[38][302]
Concerning the noble verse,
وَمِنَ الَّذِينَ قَالُواْ إِنَّا نَصَارَى أَخَذْنَا مِيثَاقَهُمْ فَنَسُواْ حَظًّا مِّمَّا ذُكِّرُواْ بِهِ
“Also from those who say, ‘We are Christians,’ We took their pledge; but they forgot a part of what they were reminded,”[39][303]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The Christians will be reminded of this path and rule, and a group from them will accompany Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs).”[40][304]
4. Jabalqa and Jabarsa
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “God has a city called Jabalqa in the eastern hemisphere having twelve gates of gold. The distance of one gate to another is one farsang (6 kilometers). There is a tower in each of the gates that can accommodate an army of twelve thousand men.
Their equipment, weapons and swords have been ready and they are waiting for the advent of Hadrat al-Qa’im. God has also a city called Jabarsa in the western hemisphere (with the same features), and I am the proof of Allah for them.”[41][305]
There are numerous other hadiths about the other cities and lands in the world whose inhabitants never commit sins against God. For further information, refer to volume 54 of the book, Bihar al-Anwar.
It can be understood from the hadiths as a whole that Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) has armies and bases on standby, which at the time of his advent, will participate in combat. From some other hadiths, however, it can be understood that they have passed away a long time ago and in order to assist the Imam, God will revive them and let them return to the world.[42][306]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “Najm ibn A‘yun is among those who will engage in jihad after their raj‘ah (return to life).”[43][307] He also said regarding Hamran and Maysar: “It is as if I can see Hamran ibn A‘in and Maysar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz holding swords and delivering sermons to the people (“الناس يخبطان”) between Safa[44][308] and Marwah[45][309] (in Mecca).”[46][310]
In Mu‘jam ar-Rijal al-Hadith, the late Ayatullah al-‘Uzma Sayyid Abu’l-Qasim al-Khu’i interprets “الناس يخبطان” as “striking the people with the sword”.
Similarly, Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) looked at Dawud Raqi[47][311] and said: “Anyone who wants to see a man from among the supporters of Hadrat al-Qa’im should look at this man (i.e., this man is among the supporters of al-Mahdi who will return to life again).”[48][312]
The Number of Soldiers
Regarding the number of the soldiers and supporters of the Imam of the Time (‘atfs), there are various hadiths available. Some hadiths say that their number is three hundred and thirteen while others say ten thousand and more. It is necessary here to highlight two points:
1. The three hundred and thirteen persons—as mentioned in the hadiths—are the special forces that will be in the company of the Imam at the beginning of the uprising. They will be the administrators of the global government of the Imam of the Time (‘a). As the late Arbeli has stated in Kashf an-Ni‘mah: “From this hadith (regarding ten thousand persons), it can be deduced that the number of supporters of the Imam cannot be limited to three hundred and thirteen, for it is only the number of supporters who will be in the company of the Imam at the beginning of the uprising.”
2. The number, four thousand, ten thousand, etc. which has been mentioned in some hadiths, is not the total number of the military forces of the Mahdi (‘a). Instead—as can also be deduced from the hadiths—each of these figures indicates the number of forces who will participate in the uprising at a particular juncture of the Imam’s advent or in a particular battle in a certain part of the world. Perhaps, there are other issues we do not know, which will be clarified with the advent of the Imam (‘atfs).
1. Special Forces
Yunus ibn Zibyan said: “I was in the company of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) when he mentioned the name of one of the supporters of Hadrat al-Qa’im and said: “They are three hundred and thirteen persons and each of them sees himself as being among the three hundred persons.”[49][313]
As the Imam (‘a) said that “Each of them sees himself as being among the three hundred,” there are two probabilities that can be entertained in this regard:
(1) that the physical strength of each of them would be equivalent to that of three hundred persons just as the strength of one of the believers at that time would be equivalent to that of forty men; and
(2) that each of them would have three hundred forces and sees himself among three hundred forces under his command.
Therefore, they will probably be commanders of approximately three hundred soldiers. It is equally probable that it only means what it literally says. That is, each of them regards himself part of that number as some have said.
Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin (‘a) said: “Those who will disappear from their locations in order to assist Imam al-Qa’im (‘atfs) are three hundred and thirteen—equal to that of Badr—who will gather together in Mecca in the morning of the following day.”[50][314]
Imam al-Jawad (‘a) said that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “The Imam of the Time (‘a) will appear in the land of Tuhamah (Mecca). He has treasures that are not gold and silver, but powerful horses and illustrious men who are equal in number to that of the Companions in Badr. They are three hundred and thirteen from different parts of the world who will come to rally around him.
There is a sealed book in his possession in which the number of his supporters has been written along with their names, cities, races, characteristics, and epithets. They will all be under the command of al-Mahdi (‘atfs).”[51][315]
The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “The people will gather around him like birds until they reach three hundred and fourteen persons—some of whom will be women, and the Imam will prevail over any tyrant and son of a tyrant, and justice will be as the people would wish. I wish the dead among them were among the living and benefit from justice!”[52][316]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will appear with three hundred and thirteen persons—equal to the number of Companions in Badr—without any prior notice and arrangement. This is when they would have been scattered like an autumn cloud. They are lions in the day and worshippers at the night.”[53][317]
Iban ibn Taghlub said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “Three hundred and thirteen persons will soon come to your mosque (Mecca). The people of Mecca know that these persons are not related to their fathers and forefathers (and are not among the people of Mecca). Each of them has a sword on which a word is inscribed from which thousands of words (problems) can be unravelled and solved.”[54][318]
In some hadiths, the names of some of them have been mentioned of which it shall suffice to quote two hadiths:
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said to Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar, one of his companions: “You and forty four other men are among the supporters and companions of Hadrat al-Qa’im.”[55][319]
Perhaps, what is meant by “forty four” is the number from among the companions of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a).
The Imam also said: “During the advent of the Qa’im from Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a), twenty seven persons will come out from behind the Ka‘bah and twenty five persons from the community (qawm) of Musa (Moses); those who were judges that were always on the path of truth and justice; the seven persons from the Companions of the Cave; Yusha‘ the executor of Musa’s will (wasi) (Joshua); the believer from the family of Pharaoh; Salman al-Farsi; Abu Dujanah al-Ansari;[56][320] and Malik al-Ashtar will return to the world.”[57][321] In some hadiths Miqdad ibn Aswad has also been mentioned.
Based on the hadiths, the angels who move things from place to place will transfer the good among the dead to holy places such as the House of God (Ka‘bah).[58][322] Therefore, these persons are perhaps those whose bodies will be transferred near the Ka‘bah and their raj‘ah or return to life will take place right there. Based on other reports, this place is behind the city of Kufah, i.e. Najaf al-Ashraf, which again will render the meaning of the hadith correct; for their bodies will be transferred there, i.e. Najaf al-Ashraf.
It is worthy of note that these individuals have experience in struggle in the political and military arenas against the taghutis[59][323] of their time, particularly Salman al-Farsi, Abu Dujanah, Malik al-Ashtar, and Miqdad ibn al-Aswad who had participated in the wars during the early period of Islam and had demonstrated their own acts of bravery. Some of them have also experience in leadership and command.
2. The Army of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs)
Abu Basir said: “A man from among the inhabitants of Kufah asked Imam as-Sadiq (‘a): ‘How many persons will be with Hadrat al-Qa’im in his uprising? People are saying that the companions of Imam are equal in number to the soldiers (of Islam) in (the Battle of) Badr, i.e. three hundred and thirteen persons.’ The Imam (‘a) said: ‘Hadrat al-Mahdi will not appear unless he is with a strong and powerful army and a powerful army will not have less than ten thousand combatants’.”[60][324]
The Imam (‘a) also said: “When God grants Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs) the permission to stage the uprising, three hundred and thirteen persons will pay allegiance to him. The Imam will stay in Mecca until the number of his companions will reach ten thousand persons. Then, he will set out toward Medina.”[61][325]
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The Mahdi will appear with an army of at least twelve thousand persons and a maximum number of fifteen thousand persons. Fear and intimidation (of the enemies) with respect to his military forces will go ahead of his soldiers. No enemy will confront them without being defeated. He and his soldiers will not reproach anybody in the way of Allah. The slogan of his soldiers is this: ‘Let them die! Let them die!’”[62][326]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The Imam of the Time (‘atfs) will not appear unless their assembly and number would be completed.” The narrator asked: “How much is their number?” The Imam (‘a) replied: “Ten thousand persons.”[63][327]
Shaykh Hurr ‘Amili said: “It is stated in the hadith that the total number of the army of the Imam of the Time (‘atfs) is one hundred thousand persons.”[64][328]
3. Security Guard Corps
Ka‘b said: “A man from Bani Hashim will reside in Bayt al-Muqaddas. The number of his security forces is twelve thousand.” In another hadith he said: “The number of his guards is thirty six thousand persons, and twelve thousand will be stationed at the beginning of every highway leading toward Bayt al-Muqaddas.”[65][329]
Of course, the word haras in the hadith also means “aid” and “help” but this meaning in the context of hadith is not appropriate because it possibly means the supporters and friends of the Imam (‘atfs).
Mustering the Soldiers
As stated earlier, the soldiers of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will gather around him from the different corners of the world. The hadiths indicate various means by which the soldiers become aware of the uprising and how they gather in Mecca. Some who are asleep in their beds at night will find themselves in the presence of the Imam (‘a) in the morning. Others will travel by traversing long distances within very short periods of time and come into the presence of the Imam (‘a). After being informed of the uprising, a certain group will join the Imam (‘a) by riding on the clouds.
Let us look at a certain hadith in this regard:
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “When the permission (of God) for the appearance and uprising is to be granted to Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs), he will recite “God” in His Hebrew name. At that time his supporters will be ready; they will number three hundred and thirteen persons who will be scattered like the autumn clouds and they will also be the standard-bearers (and commanders). While resting at night, some of them will disappear and in the morning they will find themselves in Mecca. Others will be seen riding on clouds in the daytime. They will be recognized by their names, their fathers, their families, and their reputations.”[66][330]
Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar said: “I asked: ‘May I be your ransom! Which group has a higher station in terms of faith?’ The Imam (‘a) said: ‘They are those who will move on top of the clouds, those who will disappear about whose station this blessed verse (ayah) has been revealed:
أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُواْ يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللّهُ جَمِيعًا
“Wherever you may be, Allah will bring you all together”.’”[67][331]
The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “A community (qawm) will emerge after you that will gather the world under their feet, and the world will be spread out for them, while the men and women of Persia will serve them. The earth will be traversed under their steps in less than the blink of an eye in such a manner that anyone of them could cover the distance from east to west in an instant. They are not of this world and the world has also no benefit and portion for them.”[68][332]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The Shi‘ah and supporters of Mahdi (‘atfs) will go toward him from different parts of the world; the earth will be gathered under their feet and by traversing the world they will reach the Imam (‘a) and pay allegiance to him.”[69][333]
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ajlan said: “I was in the company of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) when he was talking about the uprising of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘a). I asked him: ‘How can we be informed of the advent of the Mahdi?’ He answered: ‘While getting up in the morning you will see a letter under your pillow in which it would be written: ‘Following the Mahdi is an excellent and good deed’.’”[70][334]
Imam ar-Rida (‘a) said: “By Allah! If our Qa’im stages the uprising, God will gather the Shi‘ah from all cities (and countries) to be around him.”[71][335]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) also said: “While the young Shi‘ah will be sleeping on rooftops, suddenly and without prior notice, they will be brought in multitudes in one night beside him (‘atfs). Then in the morning everybody will be gathered around him (‘atfs).”[72][336]
Things Necessary in Recruiting and Training the Soldiers
In this regard, the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The supporters of the Mahdi (‘atfs) who number three hundred and thirteen will go to him and they will find him who had been hidden, and they will ask: ‘Are you the Promised Mahdi?’
He will answer: ‘Yes, O my supporters!’ Then he will again hide himself from them and go to Medina. Because they will become aware of this, his supporters will leave for Medina and when they arrive at the city of Medina, the Imam (‘a), still being hidden will return to the city of Mecca and in order to join him, his supporters will go to Mecca. Once again, the Imam (‘a) will go to the city of Medina and his supporters will go to Medina (for the second time), again he will go to Mecca, and this routine will be repeated three times.
“The Imam (‘a) will test his supporters in such a manner in order to be aware of their degree of adherence to him. Thereafter, he will appear between Safa and Marwah and while addressing his supporters he will say: ‘I will not pursue any activity unless you pay allegiance to me under certain conditions, adhere to it and not violate it in any way. I am also obliged with respect to eight things.’ In reply to him, the Imam’s (‘a) supporters will say in unison: ‘We do render our total submission to you, follow you, and accept whatever conditions you set. Kindly tell us what those conditions are.’
“The Imam (‘atfs) will go to Mount Safa in Mecca and his supporters will also follow him. Addressing them there, he will say: ‘I will make a covenant with you under these conditions:
(1) You shall not desert the battlefield;
(2) you shall not steal;
(3) you shall not perform any illegitimate act;
(4) you shall not commit unlawful acts;
(5) you shall not do any evil and obnoxious act;
(6) you shall not unjustly strike anyone;
(7) you shall not amass gold and silver;
(8) you shall not hoard wheat and barley;
(9) you shall not destroy any mosque;
(10) you shall not bear witness to falsehood;
(11) you shall not despise and belittle any believer;
(12) you shall not consume anything earned from usury;
(13) you shall endure adversities and difficulties;
(14) you shall not curse any theist and monotheist;
(15) you shall not drink wine;
(16) you shall not wear brocade;
(17) you shall not wear silk clothing;
(18) you shall not pursue an escapee;
(19) you shall not shed blood unlawfully;
(20) you shall not nourish the hypocrite and infidel;
(21) you shall not wear fur garments;
(22) you shall make the soil as your pillow (perhaps it means that “you shall be humble and meek”);
(23) you shall shun unworthy acts; and
(24) you shall enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong.
“‘If you abide with and act upon these conditions, it is incumbent upon me to choose no one but you as my assistants; I have to wear nothing but what you wear; I have nothing to eat but what you eat; I have nothing to ride but what you ride; I should be with you wherever you go; I have to go wherever you set out for; I have to be satisfied and pleased with a small force and fill the earth with justice and equity just as it has been full of injustice and oppression; and I have to worship God as He is worthy to be worshipped. I will remain committed to what I have said while you also have to remain committed to your pledges.’
“The companions said: ‘We are satisfied and we promise to be committed to what you have said.’ Then, the Imam (‘a) will shake the hands of each of his supporters (as a sign of allegiance)’.”[73][337]
Of course, it must be noted that the Imam (‘atfs) will set these conditions and impose this test on his special forces because they will serve as administrators in his global government and they are ones who, having good deeds, will play crucial roles in spreading justice in the world.
Meanwhile, it must be borne in mind that the chain of transmission of this hadith is dubious as it is from the Khutbah al-Bayan, which some scholars regard as “weak” (da‘if) notwithstanding the fact that some prominent figures have come to its defense and reinforcement.[74][338]
Peculiarities of the Soldiers
Many peculiarities and salient characteristics of the companions and supporters of al-Mahdi (‘a) have been stated in the hadiths and we will mention some of them below:
1. Worship and Devotion
In describing the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs), Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “They keep regular vigils and spend the night standing in worship of God. During their prayers, their silent supplications are like the buzz of honeybees. They mount their horses during the daytime in line with the performance of their duties. They are worshippers at night and lions during the day. On account of fear of God, they are in a particular state. God will extend succor to the rightful Imam through them.”[75][339]
The Imam (‘a) also said: “It is as if I can see the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a) and his supporters behind the city of Kufah. As if birds are spreading their wings over their heads. They are running out of travel provisions and their garments are worn out and patched. There are marks of prostration on their foreheads.
Yes, they are lions in the day and worshippers in the night. Their hearts are like pieces of iron, firm and formidable. Each of them has the strength equal to that of forty men. They will not be killed by anyone but by hypocrites and infidels. God has thus described them in the Qur’an:
إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لآيَاتٍ لِّلْمُتَوَسِّمِينَ
“There are indeed signs in that for the percipient.”[76][340]”[77][341]
2. Love for the Imam and Obedience to Him
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The Master of the Affair (sahib al-amr) (‘atfs) will be in occultation in some of these valleys (Dhi Tawa). Two nights prior to his advent, his closest attendant will go to meet some of the Imam’s supporters, asking them: ‘How many of you are here?’ They will answer: ‘Forty persons.’ He will ask: ‘What will happen to you if you see your leader?’ They will reply: ‘By God! If he lives in a mountain, we will be with him and live the same way’.”[78][342]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The supporters of the Imam (‘atfs) will place their hands on the saddle of his horse and by doing so, they will be asking for blessings. They will form a ring around him and in battles they will offer their bodies and souls for him. They will accept and do whatever he would ask from them.”[79][343]
The same Imam (‘a) also stated the following in describing the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘a): “He has men whose hearts will seem to be as if they were from pieces of iron... They are more obedient to the Imam than a slave girl would be in relation to her master and owner, and they are subservient to his command.”[80][344]
The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “God will gather warriors for Hadrat al-Mahdi from the different corners of the world whose number would be equal to that of the (Muslim) combatants in (the Battle of) Badr. They are very diligent and determined in their obedience to him.”[81][345]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “It is as if I can see Hadrat al-Qa’im and his supporters stationed in Najaf (Kufah) and (they are so steady and unflinching there) that it is as if birds are sitting on their heads.”[82][346]
The warriors are standing with such discipline, lack of motion and total submission to him that it is as if birds are sitting over their heads, for if they would show the least movement, the birds will fly away.
3. Strong and Young Soldiers
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The supporters of al-Mahdi are all young. There are no old and aged among them but a few who are like antimony for the eye and salt for the food. Of course, the least amount of a thing needed in food is salt.”[83][347]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “What Prophet Lut (Lot) (‘a) meant in his statement addressed to his enemies when he said, ‘I wish I had a potent force against you or I can take refuge in a formidable column,’ was a force similar to the potent force of the Promised Mahdi (‘atfs) and his supporters each of whom has the strength equal to that of forty men. They have hearts firmer than steel and when they traverse mountains, the rocks tremble. They do not sheathe their swords unless when God wants and is pleased with it.”[84][348]
In this regard, Imam as-Sajjad (‘a) said: “When our Qa’im stages the uprising, God will keep away sluggishness and weakness from our Shi‘ah and make their hearts as firm and resolute as steel; He will grant each of them the strength of forty men and they will become rulers and leading figures on earth.”[85][349]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “In the government of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) our Shi‘ah will be the rulers and leading figures on earth and each of them will have the strength of forty men.”[86][350]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “There is fear of the enemy in the hearts of our Shi‘ah (today), but when our government is established and Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) appears, each of our Shi‘ah will be more fearless than a lion and sharper than a spear. They will crush our enemies underfoot and slay them with their hands.”[87][351]
‘Abdul-Malik ibn A‘yun said: “As I got up to say goodbye to Imam al-Baqir (‘a), I leaned on my hands and said: ‘I wish I could perceive the advent of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs) in my youth (at the moment when I am physically sound).’
The Imam (‘a) said: ‘Are you not satisfied that your enemies are killing one another while you are safe in your own houses? If the Imam (‘a) appears, each of you will be given the strength of forty men and your hearts will be like steel so much so that if you struck the mountains with such hearts, the mountains will rend asunder and be pulled up. And you will become the leaders and trustees on earth’.”[88][352]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “At the time of our affair (the government of Hadrat al-Mahdi), God will remove fear from the hearts of our Shi‘ah and place it on the hearts of our enemies. At that moment, each of our Shi‘ah would be sharper than a spear and braver than a lion. A single Shi‘ah will hit his enemy with a spear, strike him with a sword, and crush him underfoot.”[89][353]
The same Imam (‘a) also said: “The supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) are men whose hearts are as firm and formidable as iron. Doubt and skepticism about the Essence of God are never entertained in those hearts. They are firmer than stone. If they were given the mission to shuffle the mountains and interchange them, they would quickly do it, and if the mission of destroying a city is given to them, they would be able to destroy it (with such speed and decisiveness that it would be) as if they were eagles sitting on horses.”[90][354]
4. Beloved Soldiers
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “It is as if I can see the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) dominating heaven and earth and there is nothing in the world that would not be under their rule and sovereignty. Fierce animals and predatory birds also seek their pleasure. They will be so beloved that everywhere on earth will brag and boast to the other, saying: ‘Today, one of the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) dropped in and passed by here’.”[91][355]
5. Lovers of Martyrdom
Regarding the characteristics of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs), Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “They have an intense fear of God and they aspire for martyrdom. Their aspiration is to be slain in the way of Allah. Their slogan is ‘O avengers of Husayn (‘a)!’ As they move, the fear and dread of them in the hearts of their enemies move with the distance of one month’s travel.”
Imam Mahdi,Black Flags of Khurasan & Army of Dajjal with Ahadith (Sunni view)
By: Najmuddin Tabasi
The forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will be composed of various nationalities and at the time of uprising they will be called through unique means. The individuals who have been designated before as commanders will assume the responsibility of guiding the soldiers and planning war operations.
The soldiers to be accepted in the army of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) under special circumstances have peculiar characteristics of their own. Some will be present in the primary staff and some will join the army. A group has been called the security guard corps.
In this chapter, we will take a look at the hadiths related to this topic.
Commanders of the Army
In the hadiths we can read the names of the individuals who have been associated with particular military operations and the command of a number of soldiers. In this section, we shall mention the names and functions of some of them:
1. Hadrat ‘Isa (Jesus Christ) (‘a)
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said in a sermon (khutbah): “…Then the Mahdi (‘atfs) will appoint Hadrat ‘Isa (‘a) as his representative in the offensive operations against ad-Dajjal (the Anti-Christ). ‘Isa (‘a) will set out to capture and suppress ad-Dajjal.
Ad-Dajjal who will then be controlling the entire world, destroying agriculture and human generation, will call the people toward him and anyone who accepts him will be treated with favor and anyone who refuses to accept him would be killed. He will travel throughout the world, with the exception of Mecca, Medina and Bayt al-Muqaddas (Jerusalem), and all the illegitimate children from both the east and the west of the globe will rally around him.
“Ad-Dajjal will set out toward the Hijaz and ‘Isa (‘a) will intercept him at the passage of Harsha. ‘Isa (‘a) will direct a horrible shout at him and strike him a decisive blow. Ad-Dajjal will melt in a blazing fire like lead melting in fire.”
The penetration of the blow that will lead to the melting of ad-Dajjal is perhaps due to the use of the ultramodern weapons at that time, or it could be due to one of the miracles of Hadrat ‘Isa.
Concerning the salient features of Hadrat ‘Isa (‘a), it is thus stated: “He has such magnificence that once the enemy sees him he will remember death as if ‘Isa was demanding his life.”
2. Shu‘ayb ibn Salih
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The Sufyani and the bearers of the black banners will confront each other while among the latter there will be a young man from the Bani Hashim in the palm of whose left hand would be a black mole. He would be in front of his soldiers and would be from the tribe of Bani Tamim. His name is Shu‘ayb ibn Salih.”
Hasan al-Basri said: “In the land of Rey a person named Shu‘ayb ibn Salih will appear having broad shoulders, a dark complexion, and beardless. There will be an army of four thousand men under his command whose garments will be white and their banners will be black. They will constitute the vanguard of the Mahdi’s army.”
‘Ammar ibn Yasir said: “Shu‘ayb ibn Salih is the standard-bearer of Hadrat al-Mahdi.”
Shablanji said: “The commander of the advance forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will be a man from the tribe of Bani Tamim with a slight beard and who will be called, Shu‘ayb ibn Salih.”
Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah said: “An army will set out from Khurasan that will wear black belts and white shirts. One of the army’s vanguards will be the commander called Shu‘ayb ibn Salih or Salih ibn Shu‘ayb who is from the tribe of Bani Tamim. They will defeat the soldiers of the Sufyani and drive them away; they will arrive in Bayt al-Muqaddas and pave the ground for the government of Hadrat al-Mahdi.”
3. Isma‘il the Son of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) and ‘Abdullah ibn Sharik
Abu Khadijah said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “I asked God to keep (my son) Isma‘il alive after me but He did not grant it, but granted him another station. He will be the first person to reappear along with his ten companions. ‘Abdullah ibn Sharik will be his standard-bearer and one of his ten companions.”
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “It is as if I can see ‘Abdullah ibn Sharik al-‘Amiri who has put a black turban on his head with the two sides of his turban placed between his shoulders. With an army of four thousand men as vanguards of our Qa’im, they will climb the mountain slope and always utter takbir.”
4. ‘Aqil and Harith
Hadrat ‘Ali (‘a) said: “Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘a) will let the army advance until they will arrive in Iraq in such a manner that soldiers will be moving to his front and at the rear. The commander of the advance forces will be a man named ‘Aqil while the commander of the rear soldiers will be a man named Harith.”
5. Jubayr ibn Khabur
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) quoted the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) as saying: “While their weapons have already been drawn from the scabbards, this person—Jubayr—along with four thousand men in Jabal al-Ahwaz will wait for the advent of the Qa’im from among us, the Ahl al-Bayt. Then, this person along with and beside the Imam will engage in combat against the enemy.”[11][275]
6. ‘Umar ibn Mufaddal
Imam as-Sadiq said to Mufaddal: “You, along with forty four other persons, will be with Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs). You will be on the right side of the Imam (‘a) enjoining (good) and forbidding (evil), and the people at that time, compared to the people of today, will believe in you more sincerely.”[12][276]
7. The Companions of the Cave (ashab al-kahf)
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The Companions of the Cave (ashab al-kahf) will come to assist the Mahdi (‘atfs).”[13][277]
The Nationality of the Soldiers
The forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will be composed of various nationalities. In the hadiths there are various views in this regard. Sometimes, the soldiers of the Imam (‘atfs) have been described as a‘jam—interpreted as non-Arabs.
Some hadiths cite the names of the cities and countries from which soldiers will hasten to assist the Imam (‘atfs). At other times, they have mentioned particular communities (aqwam) such as the repentant from among the Children of Israel, the faithful among the Christians, and upright people to be revived in the future, who will assist the Imam (‘a).
In this chapter, we will mention some hadiths in this regard.
1. Iranians
It can be understood from the hadiths that a considerable number of the special soldiers in the army of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) would be Iranians and they have been mentioned in various ways such as the people of Rey, the people of Khurasan, the treasures of Taleqan, the Qummis, the people of Persia, etc.
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The forces with black banners that will rise up from Khurasan will come to Kufah, and when Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) appears in Mecca, they will pay allegiance to him.”[14][278]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) also said: “The supporters of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘a) will be three hundred and thirteen persons who will be from the children of the a‘jam (non-Arabs).”[15][279]
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said that the Prophet (S) said: “God will give your (Muslims’) power to the a‘jam; they are like lions that will never desert the battlefield. They will kill you (Arabs) and plunder your properties.”[16][280]
Hudhayfah also narrated a hadith with the same content from the Prophet (S).[17][281] Of course, the implication of the hadith is debatable and problematic. Based on the hadiths, a time will come when the Iranians will unsheathe their swords against the Arabs to spread Islam and make them return to Islam, and they will slay those who oppose them. The condition of the Arabs at that time will be very deplorable with difficult and unpleasant days awaiting them.
Although a‘jam is said to be the non-Arabs, the Iranians are definitely included. On the basis of other hadiths, both in preparing the ground for operations to be conducted prior to the advent (zuhur) and at the time of the uprising of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs), the Iranians will have a pivotal role and they will constitute a large number of combatants.
In a sermon delivered by ‘Ali (‘a) regarding the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) and their nationalities, the names of some Iranian cities have been mentioned.
Asbagh ibn Nabatah said that the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) delivered a sermon in which he mentioned Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) and his supporters who will accompany him in the uprising, saying: “One is from Ahwaz; one from Shushtar; three are from Shiraz whose names are Hafs, Ya‘qub and ‘Ali; four are from Isfahan whose names are Musa, ‘Ali, ‘Abdullah, and Ghalfan; one from Burujerd named Qadim; one is from Nahavand named ‘Abdur-Razzaq; three are from Hamedan[18][282] whose names are Ja‘far, Ishaq and Musa; ten are from Qum whose names are that of the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah (and in another hadith eighteen have been mentioned); one from Shirvan’; and one is from Khurasan named Darid.
There are also five whose names are that of the Companions of the Cave; one from Amul; one from Gorgan; one from Damghan; one from Sarakhs; one from Saveh; twenty four from Taleqan; two from Qazvin; one from Fars; one from Abhar; one from Ardebil; three from Maragheh; one from Khuy; one from Salmas; three from Abadan; and one from Kazerun.”
Then, the Commander of the Faithful said: “The Noble Prophet (S) mentioned to me three hundred and thirteen persons of the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) equal to the number of the supporters in (the Battle of) Badr, and he said: ‘God will bring them from both the east and the west to the precinct of the Ka‘bah’ faster than the blink of an eye.”[19][283]
As you can observe, among the three hundred and thirteen persons constituting the special corps of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs)—who will accompany him at the beginning of the uprising—seventy two will come from the present cities of Iran. If we also take into account what has been narrated in Dala’il al-Imamah[20][284] of Tabari and the names of cities that were in Iran at that time, the number of Iranians will become more than this.
In this hadith the name of a city is sometimes mentioned twice, sometimes the names of some cities in a country, and at other times the name of the very country has been mentioned.
In case the hadith has been correctly recorded, it perhaps bespeaks of the divisions and the names used at that time, thus geographical divisions in the present age cannot serve as the criteria to interpret and understand this hadith; for, the names of cities change over time; sometimes, the name of one city is used for a country at the present time or vice versa.
The other point is that by collating the names of cities (mentioned in the hadith in question) with the present geographical map of the world, it can be concluded perhaps that the supporters of the Imam are scattered throughout the world and it is possible that the word “afranjah” mentioned in the hadith refers to the western hemisphere. If this collation and statement were correct, the hadith will become meaningful with the dictum, “قلبت خليت لو”. It is because at no time will the earth be devoid of good men; otherwise, it will come to an end.
In other hadiths, some cities have been especially mentioned. Here, we will suffice to mention some hadiths concerning the cities of Qum, Khurasan and Taleqan:
a. Qum
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The soil of Qum is holy… Aren’t they the supporters of our Qa’im and callers toward our right?”[21][285]
‘Affan al-Basiri said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said to him: “Do you know why Qum is named “Qum”?” I replied: “God, His Messenger and you know better.” He said: “It is called Qum because its inhabitants will rally behind the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘atfs) and rise up along with him (‘atfs). Along this line, they will show their perseverance and assist him (‘atfs).”[22][286]
b. Khurasan
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “…There are treasures in Khurasan but they are not gold and silver. Instead, they are men who will gather together on their belief in God and His Messenger.”[23][287] Perhaps, it means that what they have in common is the correct belief in God and His Messenger, or it may mean that God will gather them one day in Mecca.
c. Taleqan
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “Blessed is Taleqan! It is because God has treasures there which are neither gold nor silver. Instead, they are men of faith who have really recognized God and they will be the companions of the Mahdi (Guided One) of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘atfs) at the end of time.”[24][288]
2. Arabs
The hadiths related to the participation of Arabs in the uprising of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘a) can be classified into two. Some indicate their lack of participation in the revolution of al-Mahdi while a number of other hadiths mention some cities in Arab countries in which there are those who will rise up to support the Imam.
Assuming that they are authentic, the hadiths that talk about the lack of participation of the Arabs can be justified. For, it might be possible that there will be no Arabs among the soldiers who will accompany the Imam at the beginning of the uprising. Shaykh Hurr ‘Amili in the book, Ithbat al-Hudah, has interpreted it this way.
Concerning the Arab cities mentioned in the hadiths, perhaps non-Arab soldiers residing there will hasten to aid the Imam, and not those who are Arab in origin. It may also mean that it refers to Arab governments and states. Let us look at this category of hadiths:
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “Keep aloof from the Arabs for they will have a gloomy and dangerous future; isn’t it that no one from among them will accompany Hadrat al-Mahdi in his uprising?”[25][289] Shaykh Hurr ‘Amili said: “Perhaps this statement of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) refers to the beginning of the Mahdi’s uprising, or it alludes to their minimal participation…”
The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Great and noble personalities from the land of Sham will join al-Mahdi (‘atfs) as well as those from the various tribes and lands adjacent to Sham; they are the ones whose hearts are said to be like pieces of iron. They are worshippers at night and lions during the day.”[26][290]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “Three hundred and thirteen persons, the same number as that of the supporters (Muslim soldiers) in the Battle of Badr, will pay allegiance to Hadrat al-Mahdi in between the rukn and maqam (in the Ka‘bah). From among them, great figures from among the people of Egypt, good men from Sham, and good men from among the people of Iraq can be seen and the Imam will rule to the extent that God would wish.”[27][291]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) also said concerning the city of Kufah: “When Hadrat al-Qa’im appears and proceeds to Kufah, God will choose from behind Kufah (Najaf al-Ashraf) seventy thousand truthful and upright people. They will be among the supporters and companions of the Imam.”[28][292]
Muslims Concept of Imam mahdi (AS)
3. The Followers of Various Religions
Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar reported that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “During the advent of the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a), some people will come from behind the Ka‘bah such as the twenty seven persons from the community (qawm) of Musa (Moses)—those who rightfully give judgment; the seven persons from the Companions of the Cave; Yusha‘ the executor of Musa’s will (wasi) (Joshua); the believer from the family of Pharaoh; Salman al-Farsi; Abu Dujanah al-Ansari;[29][293] and Malik al-Ashtar.”[30][294]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The souls of the believers can see the Progeny of Muhammad (‘a) in the mountains of Radawi, partake of their food, drink their beverages, participate in their assemblies, and talk with them until such time that the Qa’im from among us, the Ahl al-Bayt, rises up. At that time, God will incite them; they will accept the call of the Imam in large groups and accompany him. During that time, those who possess false beliefs will fall into doubt and skepticism, and the groups, parties, and claimants to fellowships and partisanships will disintegrate while those who are near to God (muqarrabin) (and the believers) will attain salvation.”[31][295]
Ibn Jarih reported: “I have heard that when the twelve tribes of the Children of Israel killed their prophets and turned infidels, one tribe regretted doing such an act and was disgusted with it; they asked God to separate them from the rest of the tribes. God opened a tunnel underground in which they travelled for the period of one year and a half until they came out behind the land of China, and up to now they are still there. They are Muslims and they face our Qiblah.”[32][296]
Some say that on the night of the ascension (mi‘raj), Jibra’il brought the Noble Prophet (S) to them, and the Prophet (S) read for them ten Meccan chapters (suwar) of the Qur’an. They were convinced and acknowledged his prophetic mission. The Prophet (S) ordered them to stay there, abandon work on Saturday (which is the Sabbath day for the Jews), establish prayer, and give the poor-rate (zakat). They accepted it and performed these duties.[33][297] And the other obligations had not been made incumbent upon them.
Ibn ‘Abbas said: “In the exegesis of the blessed verse (ayah):
وَقُلْنَا مِن بَعْدِهِ لِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ اسْكُنُواْ الأَرْضَ فَإِذَا جَاء وَعْدُ الآخِرَةِ جِئْنَا بِكُمْ لَفِيفًا
“After him We said to the Children of Israel, ‘Take up residence in the land, and when the occasion of the other (promise) comes, We shall gather you in mixed company,”[34][298]
It is said that the “promise in the end” (wa‘dah al-akhirah) refers to the advent of Hadrat ‘Isa (‘a) who, along with the Children of Israel, will rise up. Our companions, however, have narrated that they will rise with the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a).”[35][299]
On the exegesis of the noble verse, “Among the people of Moses is a nation who guide (the people) by the truth and do justice thereby,”[36][300] the late Majlisi said: “There is a difference of opinions as to who constitute this ummah.”
Others such as Ibn ‘Abbas say: “They are a community that lives beyond China. Their land has been largely separated from China by a desert full of sand. They will never make any changes in the law of God.”[37][301]
In describing them, Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “They do not regard property as exclusive to them unless their brethren in faith are treated as partners to it. They also rest at night and are awake in the day, and are engaged in agriculture. But none of us (people) could go to their land and none of them will come to us (people), and they are on the right path.”[38][302]
Concerning the noble verse,
وَمِنَ الَّذِينَ قَالُواْ إِنَّا نَصَارَى أَخَذْنَا مِيثَاقَهُمْ فَنَسُواْ حَظًّا مِّمَّا ذُكِّرُواْ بِهِ
“Also from those who say, ‘We are Christians,’ We took their pledge; but they forgot a part of what they were reminded,”[39][303]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The Christians will be reminded of this path and rule, and a group from them will accompany Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs).”[40][304]
4. Jabalqa and Jabarsa
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “God has a city called Jabalqa in the eastern hemisphere having twelve gates of gold. The distance of one gate to another is one farsang (6 kilometers). There is a tower in each of the gates that can accommodate an army of twelve thousand men.
Their equipment, weapons and swords have been ready and they are waiting for the advent of Hadrat al-Qa’im. God has also a city called Jabarsa in the western hemisphere (with the same features), and I am the proof of Allah for them.”[41][305]
There are numerous other hadiths about the other cities and lands in the world whose inhabitants never commit sins against God. For further information, refer to volume 54 of the book, Bihar al-Anwar.
It can be understood from the hadiths as a whole that Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) has armies and bases on standby, which at the time of his advent, will participate in combat. From some other hadiths, however, it can be understood that they have passed away a long time ago and in order to assist the Imam, God will revive them and let them return to the world.[42][306]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “Najm ibn A‘yun is among those who will engage in jihad after their raj‘ah (return to life).”[43][307] He also said regarding Hamran and Maysar: “It is as if I can see Hamran ibn A‘in and Maysar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz holding swords and delivering sermons to the people (“الناس يخبطان”) between Safa[44][308] and Marwah[45][309] (in Mecca).”[46][310]
In Mu‘jam ar-Rijal al-Hadith, the late Ayatullah al-‘Uzma Sayyid Abu’l-Qasim al-Khu’i interprets “الناس يخبطان” as “striking the people with the sword”.
Similarly, Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) looked at Dawud Raqi[47][311] and said: “Anyone who wants to see a man from among the supporters of Hadrat al-Qa’im should look at this man (i.e., this man is among the supporters of al-Mahdi who will return to life again).”[48][312]
The Number of Soldiers
Regarding the number of the soldiers and supporters of the Imam of the Time (‘atfs), there are various hadiths available. Some hadiths say that their number is three hundred and thirteen while others say ten thousand and more. It is necessary here to highlight two points:
1. The three hundred and thirteen persons—as mentioned in the hadiths—are the special forces that will be in the company of the Imam at the beginning of the uprising. They will be the administrators of the global government of the Imam of the Time (‘a). As the late Arbeli has stated in Kashf an-Ni‘mah: “From this hadith (regarding ten thousand persons), it can be deduced that the number of supporters of the Imam cannot be limited to three hundred and thirteen, for it is only the number of supporters who will be in the company of the Imam at the beginning of the uprising.”
2. The number, four thousand, ten thousand, etc. which has been mentioned in some hadiths, is not the total number of the military forces of the Mahdi (‘a). Instead—as can also be deduced from the hadiths—each of these figures indicates the number of forces who will participate in the uprising at a particular juncture of the Imam’s advent or in a particular battle in a certain part of the world. Perhaps, there are other issues we do not know, which will be clarified with the advent of the Imam (‘atfs).
1. Special Forces
Yunus ibn Zibyan said: “I was in the company of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) when he mentioned the name of one of the supporters of Hadrat al-Qa’im and said: “They are three hundred and thirteen persons and each of them sees himself as being among the three hundred persons.”[49][313]
As the Imam (‘a) said that “Each of them sees himself as being among the three hundred,” there are two probabilities that can be entertained in this regard:
(1) that the physical strength of each of them would be equivalent to that of three hundred persons just as the strength of one of the believers at that time would be equivalent to that of forty men; and
(2) that each of them would have three hundred forces and sees himself among three hundred forces under his command.
Therefore, they will probably be commanders of approximately three hundred soldiers. It is equally probable that it only means what it literally says. That is, each of them regards himself part of that number as some have said.
Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin (‘a) said: “Those who will disappear from their locations in order to assist Imam al-Qa’im (‘atfs) are three hundred and thirteen—equal to that of Badr—who will gather together in Mecca in the morning of the following day.”[50][314]
Imam al-Jawad (‘a) said that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “The Imam of the Time (‘a) will appear in the land of Tuhamah (Mecca). He has treasures that are not gold and silver, but powerful horses and illustrious men who are equal in number to that of the Companions in Badr. They are three hundred and thirteen from different parts of the world who will come to rally around him.
There is a sealed book in his possession in which the number of his supporters has been written along with their names, cities, races, characteristics, and epithets. They will all be under the command of al-Mahdi (‘atfs).”[51][315]
The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “The people will gather around him like birds until they reach three hundred and fourteen persons—some of whom will be women, and the Imam will prevail over any tyrant and son of a tyrant, and justice will be as the people would wish. I wish the dead among them were among the living and benefit from justice!”[52][316]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will appear with three hundred and thirteen persons—equal to the number of Companions in Badr—without any prior notice and arrangement. This is when they would have been scattered like an autumn cloud. They are lions in the day and worshippers at the night.”[53][317]
Iban ibn Taghlub said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “Three hundred and thirteen persons will soon come to your mosque (Mecca). The people of Mecca know that these persons are not related to their fathers and forefathers (and are not among the people of Mecca). Each of them has a sword on which a word is inscribed from which thousands of words (problems) can be unravelled and solved.”[54][318]
In some hadiths, the names of some of them have been mentioned of which it shall suffice to quote two hadiths:
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said to Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar, one of his companions: “You and forty four other men are among the supporters and companions of Hadrat al-Qa’im.”[55][319]
Perhaps, what is meant by “forty four” is the number from among the companions of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a).
The Imam also said: “During the advent of the Qa’im from Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a), twenty seven persons will come out from behind the Ka‘bah and twenty five persons from the community (qawm) of Musa (Moses); those who were judges that were always on the path of truth and justice; the seven persons from the Companions of the Cave; Yusha‘ the executor of Musa’s will (wasi) (Joshua); the believer from the family of Pharaoh; Salman al-Farsi; Abu Dujanah al-Ansari;[56][320] and Malik al-Ashtar will return to the world.”[57][321] In some hadiths Miqdad ibn Aswad has also been mentioned.
Based on the hadiths, the angels who move things from place to place will transfer the good among the dead to holy places such as the House of God (Ka‘bah).[58][322] Therefore, these persons are perhaps those whose bodies will be transferred near the Ka‘bah and their raj‘ah or return to life will take place right there. Based on other reports, this place is behind the city of Kufah, i.e. Najaf al-Ashraf, which again will render the meaning of the hadith correct; for their bodies will be transferred there, i.e. Najaf al-Ashraf.
It is worthy of note that these individuals have experience in struggle in the political and military arenas against the taghutis[59][323] of their time, particularly Salman al-Farsi, Abu Dujanah, Malik al-Ashtar, and Miqdad ibn al-Aswad who had participated in the wars during the early period of Islam and had demonstrated their own acts of bravery. Some of them have also experience in leadership and command.
2. The Army of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs)
Abu Basir said: “A man from among the inhabitants of Kufah asked Imam as-Sadiq (‘a): ‘How many persons will be with Hadrat al-Qa’im in his uprising? People are saying that the companions of Imam are equal in number to the soldiers (of Islam) in (the Battle of) Badr, i.e. three hundred and thirteen persons.’ The Imam (‘a) said: ‘Hadrat al-Mahdi will not appear unless he is with a strong and powerful army and a powerful army will not have less than ten thousand combatants’.”[60][324]
The Imam (‘a) also said: “When God grants Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs) the permission to stage the uprising, three hundred and thirteen persons will pay allegiance to him. The Imam will stay in Mecca until the number of his companions will reach ten thousand persons. Then, he will set out toward Medina.”[61][325]
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The Mahdi will appear with an army of at least twelve thousand persons and a maximum number of fifteen thousand persons. Fear and intimidation (of the enemies) with respect to his military forces will go ahead of his soldiers. No enemy will confront them without being defeated. He and his soldiers will not reproach anybody in the way of Allah. The slogan of his soldiers is this: ‘Let them die! Let them die!’”[62][326]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The Imam of the Time (‘atfs) will not appear unless their assembly and number would be completed.” The narrator asked: “How much is their number?” The Imam (‘a) replied: “Ten thousand persons.”[63][327]
Shaykh Hurr ‘Amili said: “It is stated in the hadith that the total number of the army of the Imam of the Time (‘atfs) is one hundred thousand persons.”[64][328]
3. Security Guard Corps
Ka‘b said: “A man from Bani Hashim will reside in Bayt al-Muqaddas. The number of his security forces is twelve thousand.” In another hadith he said: “The number of his guards is thirty six thousand persons, and twelve thousand will be stationed at the beginning of every highway leading toward Bayt al-Muqaddas.”[65][329]
Of course, the word haras in the hadith also means “aid” and “help” but this meaning in the context of hadith is not appropriate because it possibly means the supporters and friends of the Imam (‘atfs).
Mustering the Soldiers
As stated earlier, the soldiers of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will gather around him from the different corners of the world. The hadiths indicate various means by which the soldiers become aware of the uprising and how they gather in Mecca. Some who are asleep in their beds at night will find themselves in the presence of the Imam (‘a) in the morning. Others will travel by traversing long distances within very short periods of time and come into the presence of the Imam (‘a). After being informed of the uprising, a certain group will join the Imam (‘a) by riding on the clouds.
Let us look at a certain hadith in this regard:
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “When the permission (of God) for the appearance and uprising is to be granted to Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs), he will recite “God” in His Hebrew name. At that time his supporters will be ready; they will number three hundred and thirteen persons who will be scattered like the autumn clouds and they will also be the standard-bearers (and commanders). While resting at night, some of them will disappear and in the morning they will find themselves in Mecca. Others will be seen riding on clouds in the daytime. They will be recognized by their names, their fathers, their families, and their reputations.”[66][330]
Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar said: “I asked: ‘May I be your ransom! Which group has a higher station in terms of faith?’ The Imam (‘a) said: ‘They are those who will move on top of the clouds, those who will disappear about whose station this blessed verse (ayah) has been revealed:
أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُواْ يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللّهُ جَمِيعًا
“Wherever you may be, Allah will bring you all together”.’”[67][331]
The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “A community (qawm) will emerge after you that will gather the world under their feet, and the world will be spread out for them, while the men and women of Persia will serve them. The earth will be traversed under their steps in less than the blink of an eye in such a manner that anyone of them could cover the distance from east to west in an instant. They are not of this world and the world has also no benefit and portion for them.”[68][332]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The Shi‘ah and supporters of Mahdi (‘atfs) will go toward him from different parts of the world; the earth will be gathered under their feet and by traversing the world they will reach the Imam (‘a) and pay allegiance to him.”[69][333]
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ajlan said: “I was in the company of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) when he was talking about the uprising of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘a). I asked him: ‘How can we be informed of the advent of the Mahdi?’ He answered: ‘While getting up in the morning you will see a letter under your pillow in which it would be written: ‘Following the Mahdi is an excellent and good deed’.’”[70][334]
Imam ar-Rida (‘a) said: “By Allah! If our Qa’im stages the uprising, God will gather the Shi‘ah from all cities (and countries) to be around him.”[71][335]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) also said: “While the young Shi‘ah will be sleeping on rooftops, suddenly and without prior notice, they will be brought in multitudes in one night beside him (‘atfs). Then in the morning everybody will be gathered around him (‘atfs).”[72][336]
Things Necessary in Recruiting and Training the Soldiers
In this regard, the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The supporters of the Mahdi (‘atfs) who number three hundred and thirteen will go to him and they will find him who had been hidden, and they will ask: ‘Are you the Promised Mahdi?’
He will answer: ‘Yes, O my supporters!’ Then he will again hide himself from them and go to Medina. Because they will become aware of this, his supporters will leave for Medina and when they arrive at the city of Medina, the Imam (‘a), still being hidden will return to the city of Mecca and in order to join him, his supporters will go to Mecca. Once again, the Imam (‘a) will go to the city of Medina and his supporters will go to Medina (for the second time), again he will go to Mecca, and this routine will be repeated three times.
“The Imam (‘a) will test his supporters in such a manner in order to be aware of their degree of adherence to him. Thereafter, he will appear between Safa and Marwah and while addressing his supporters he will say: ‘I will not pursue any activity unless you pay allegiance to me under certain conditions, adhere to it and not violate it in any way. I am also obliged with respect to eight things.’ In reply to him, the Imam’s (‘a) supporters will say in unison: ‘We do render our total submission to you, follow you, and accept whatever conditions you set. Kindly tell us what those conditions are.’
“The Imam (‘atfs) will go to Mount Safa in Mecca and his supporters will also follow him. Addressing them there, he will say: ‘I will make a covenant with you under these conditions:
(1) You shall not desert the battlefield;
(2) you shall not steal;
(3) you shall not perform any illegitimate act;
(4) you shall not commit unlawful acts;
(5) you shall not do any evil and obnoxious act;
(6) you shall not unjustly strike anyone;
(7) you shall not amass gold and silver;
(8) you shall not hoard wheat and barley;
(9) you shall not destroy any mosque;
(10) you shall not bear witness to falsehood;
(11) you shall not despise and belittle any believer;
(12) you shall not consume anything earned from usury;
(13) you shall endure adversities and difficulties;
(14) you shall not curse any theist and monotheist;
(15) you shall not drink wine;
(16) you shall not wear brocade;
(17) you shall not wear silk clothing;
(18) you shall not pursue an escapee;
(19) you shall not shed blood unlawfully;
(20) you shall not nourish the hypocrite and infidel;
(21) you shall not wear fur garments;
(22) you shall make the soil as your pillow (perhaps it means that “you shall be humble and meek”);
(23) you shall shun unworthy acts; and
(24) you shall enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong.
“‘If you abide with and act upon these conditions, it is incumbent upon me to choose no one but you as my assistants; I have to wear nothing but what you wear; I have nothing to eat but what you eat; I have nothing to ride but what you ride; I should be with you wherever you go; I have to go wherever you set out for; I have to be satisfied and pleased with a small force and fill the earth with justice and equity just as it has been full of injustice and oppression; and I have to worship God as He is worthy to be worshipped. I will remain committed to what I have said while you also have to remain committed to your pledges.’
“The companions said: ‘We are satisfied and we promise to be committed to what you have said.’ Then, the Imam (‘a) will shake the hands of each of his supporters (as a sign of allegiance)’.”[73][337]
Of course, it must be noted that the Imam (‘atfs) will set these conditions and impose this test on his special forces because they will serve as administrators in his global government and they are ones who, having good deeds, will play crucial roles in spreading justice in the world.
Meanwhile, it must be borne in mind that the chain of transmission of this hadith is dubious as it is from the Khutbah al-Bayan, which some scholars regard as “weak” (da‘if) notwithstanding the fact that some prominent figures have come to its defense and reinforcement.[74][338]
Peculiarities of the Soldiers
Many peculiarities and salient characteristics of the companions and supporters of al-Mahdi (‘a) have been stated in the hadiths and we will mention some of them below:
1. Worship and Devotion
In describing the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs), Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “They keep regular vigils and spend the night standing in worship of God. During their prayers, their silent supplications are like the buzz of honeybees. They mount their horses during the daytime in line with the performance of their duties. They are worshippers at night and lions during the day. On account of fear of God, they are in a particular state. God will extend succor to the rightful Imam through them.”[75][339]
The Imam (‘a) also said: “It is as if I can see the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a) and his supporters behind the city of Kufah. As if birds are spreading their wings over their heads. They are running out of travel provisions and their garments are worn out and patched. There are marks of prostration on their foreheads.
Yes, they are lions in the day and worshippers in the night. Their hearts are like pieces of iron, firm and formidable. Each of them has the strength equal to that of forty men. They will not be killed by anyone but by hypocrites and infidels. God has thus described them in the Qur’an:
إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لآيَاتٍ لِّلْمُتَوَسِّمِينَ
“There are indeed signs in that for the percipient.”[76][340]”[77][341]
2. Love for the Imam and Obedience to Him
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The Master of the Affair (sahib al-amr) (‘atfs) will be in occultation in some of these valleys (Dhi Tawa). Two nights prior to his advent, his closest attendant will go to meet some of the Imam’s supporters, asking them: ‘How many of you are here?’ They will answer: ‘Forty persons.’ He will ask: ‘What will happen to you if you see your leader?’ They will reply: ‘By God! If he lives in a mountain, we will be with him and live the same way’.”[78][342]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The supporters of the Imam (‘atfs) will place their hands on the saddle of his horse and by doing so, they will be asking for blessings. They will form a ring around him and in battles they will offer their bodies and souls for him. They will accept and do whatever he would ask from them.”[79][343]
The same Imam (‘a) also stated the following in describing the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘a): “He has men whose hearts will seem to be as if they were from pieces of iron... They are more obedient to the Imam than a slave girl would be in relation to her master and owner, and they are subservient to his command.”[80][344]
The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “God will gather warriors for Hadrat al-Mahdi from the different corners of the world whose number would be equal to that of the (Muslim) combatants in (the Battle of) Badr. They are very diligent and determined in their obedience to him.”[81][345]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “It is as if I can see Hadrat al-Qa’im and his supporters stationed in Najaf (Kufah) and (they are so steady and unflinching there) that it is as if birds are sitting on their heads.”[82][346]
The warriors are standing with such discipline, lack of motion and total submission to him that it is as if birds are sitting over their heads, for if they would show the least movement, the birds will fly away.
3. Strong and Young Soldiers
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “The supporters of al-Mahdi are all young. There are no old and aged among them but a few who are like antimony for the eye and salt for the food. Of course, the least amount of a thing needed in food is salt.”[83][347]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “What Prophet Lut (Lot) (‘a) meant in his statement addressed to his enemies when he said, ‘I wish I had a potent force against you or I can take refuge in a formidable column,’ was a force similar to the potent force of the Promised Mahdi (‘atfs) and his supporters each of whom has the strength equal to that of forty men. They have hearts firmer than steel and when they traverse mountains, the rocks tremble. They do not sheathe their swords unless when God wants and is pleased with it.”[84][348]
In this regard, Imam as-Sajjad (‘a) said: “When our Qa’im stages the uprising, God will keep away sluggishness and weakness from our Shi‘ah and make their hearts as firm and resolute as steel; He will grant each of them the strength of forty men and they will become rulers and leading figures on earth.”[85][349]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “In the government of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) our Shi‘ah will be the rulers and leading figures on earth and each of them will have the strength of forty men.”[86][350]
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “There is fear of the enemy in the hearts of our Shi‘ah (today), but when our government is established and Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) appears, each of our Shi‘ah will be more fearless than a lion and sharper than a spear. They will crush our enemies underfoot and slay them with their hands.”[87][351]
‘Abdul-Malik ibn A‘yun said: “As I got up to say goodbye to Imam al-Baqir (‘a), I leaned on my hands and said: ‘I wish I could perceive the advent of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs) in my youth (at the moment when I am physically sound).’
The Imam (‘a) said: ‘Are you not satisfied that your enemies are killing one another while you are safe in your own houses? If the Imam (‘a) appears, each of you will be given the strength of forty men and your hearts will be like steel so much so that if you struck the mountains with such hearts, the mountains will rend asunder and be pulled up. And you will become the leaders and trustees on earth’.”[88][352]
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “At the time of our affair (the government of Hadrat al-Mahdi), God will remove fear from the hearts of our Shi‘ah and place it on the hearts of our enemies. At that moment, each of our Shi‘ah would be sharper than a spear and braver than a lion. A single Shi‘ah will hit his enemy with a spear, strike him with a sword, and crush him underfoot.”[89][353]
The same Imam (‘a) also said: “The supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) are men whose hearts are as firm and formidable as iron. Doubt and skepticism about the Essence of God are never entertained in those hearts. They are firmer than stone. If they were given the mission to shuffle the mountains and interchange them, they would quickly do it, and if the mission of destroying a city is given to them, they would be able to destroy it (with such speed and decisiveness that it would be) as if they were eagles sitting on horses.”[90][354]
4. Beloved Soldiers
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “It is as if I can see the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) dominating heaven and earth and there is nothing in the world that would not be under their rule and sovereignty. Fierce animals and predatory birds also seek their pleasure. They will be so beloved that everywhere on earth will brag and boast to the other, saying: ‘Today, one of the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) dropped in and passed by here’.”[91][355]
5. Lovers of Martyrdom
Regarding the characteristics of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs), Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “They have an intense fear of God and they aspire for martyrdom. Their aspiration is to be slain in the way of Allah. Their slogan is ‘O avengers of Husayn (‘a)!’ As they move, the fear and dread of them in the hearts of their enemies move with the distance of one month’s travel.”
Imam Mahdi,Black Flags of Khurasan & Army of Dajjal with Ahadith (Sunni view)
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sheikhengku-Menabung Amalan Solat Fardhu Dan Sunat
Untuk menabung amalan solat-solat fardhu dan sunat lakukan dengan cara biasa
solat dan selepas itu lakukan tahiyat akhir semasa "Fil a'lamin Innaka Hamidun Majid" serta Salam sekali & Genggam tangan kanan dan sapukan tangan kanan ke Ubun-Ubun Sama
seperti menyiimpan duit dalam tabung(Bank),Disini ternyata ubun-ubun di jadikan tabung sekelian amalan Solat & Fardu Serta Sebut" BASAR BANIAL KUTUL HAJAT" Untuk menyempurnakan Hajat-Hajat Amalan Solat Supaya kita memperolehi banyak-banyak simpanan amalan-amalan solat.
Sheikhengku-Menabung Amalan Solat Fardhu Dan Sunat
Sheikhengku-Solat Sunat Malam Lailatul Qadar
Sheikhengku-Solat Sunat Malam Lailatul Qadar
Kuliah Agama Islam-Kaedah Solat Sunat Bulan Ramadhan!
Solat Sunat Lailatul Qadar
1. Pada malam Lailatul Qadar dalam bulan Ramadhan, disunatkan Solat Sunat Lailatul Qadar.
2. Empat rakaat satu salam.
Atau Empat rakaat dua salam
3. Lafaz dan niat solat:
Usholli sunnata lailatul qadri arba'a rak'aatin lillahi taala.
Maksudnya: Sahaja aku solat sunat Malam Lailatul Qadar empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala.
4. Bacaan surah selepas Fatihah:
Rakaat Pertama: Surah At-Takathur.
Rakaat Kedua: Surah Al-Ikhlas.
5. Selepas memberi salam, bacalah doa berikut:
Maksudnya: Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun, Engkau suka keampunan, maka ampunilah aku; tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah Yang Maha Esa, tiada sekutu bagiNya; milikNya seluruh kerajaan dan bagiNya segala pujian; Dia yang menghidup dan mematikan dan Dia berkuasa ke atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.
Kelebihan:Untuk bertemu dengan malam lailatul Qadar dengan tepat,insyaallah
Semoga amalan puasa wajib serta amalan soleh kita selama sebulan ramadhan dapat
terima oleh Allah S.W.T.,Amin!
Sheikhengku-Solat Sunat Malam Lailatul Qadar
Kuliah Agama Islam-Kaedah Solat Sunat Bulan Ramadhan!
Solat Sunat Lailatul Qadar
1. Pada malam Lailatul Qadar dalam bulan Ramadhan, disunatkan Solat Sunat Lailatul Qadar.
2. Empat rakaat satu salam.
Atau Empat rakaat dua salam
3. Lafaz dan niat solat:
Usholli sunnata lailatul qadri arba'a rak'aatin lillahi taala.
Maksudnya: Sahaja aku solat sunat Malam Lailatul Qadar empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala.
4. Bacaan surah selepas Fatihah:
Rakaat Pertama: Surah At-Takathur.
Rakaat Kedua: Surah Al-Ikhlas.
5. Selepas memberi salam, bacalah doa berikut:
Maksudnya: Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun, Engkau suka keampunan, maka ampunilah aku; tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah Yang Maha Esa, tiada sekutu bagiNya; milikNya seluruh kerajaan dan bagiNya segala pujian; Dia yang menghidup dan mematikan dan Dia berkuasa ke atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.
Kelebihan:Untuk bertemu dengan malam lailatul Qadar dengan tepat,insyaallah
Semoga amalan puasa wajib serta amalan soleh kita selama sebulan ramadhan dapat
terima oleh Allah S.W.T.,Amin!
Sheikhengku-Solat Sunat Malam Lailatul Qadar
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