(The Mahdi's characteristics are mentioned in the holy books revealed to the Prophets)
Naim said that, “I find the Mahdi IN THE BOOKS OF THE PROPHETS as follows: Neither cruelty nor shame does exist in the Mahdi’s practices.”
(Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, p. 59)
It is pointed out IN THE BOOKS ON PROPHETS that, “The Mahdi’s task is not cruelty and doing harm.”
(Al-Qawl al-mukhtasar fi alamat al-Mahdi al-muntazar, 49)
I find the Mahdi IN THE BOOKS OF THE PROPHETS AS FOLLOWS: Neither cruelty nor shame does exist in the Mahdi’s practices.” (Ali ibn Husamaddin Al Muttakhi, The Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times, Kahraman Publishing, p.21)
In the accounts, it is stated the the characteristics and the signs of the emergence of the Mahdi are mentioned in the books revealed to the prophets. It means that information about the Mahdi are heralded in the Gospel, Torah, Psalm and the formerly revealed pages and the books.
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