Allah is the creator (generator), administrator (operator) and destructor of this entire
universe. After destruction of this entire creation of this universe, he will create a day of
judgment called as a qayamat day. On the day of judgement, every body will be
questionable in front of him for their affairs during the worldly life. The full account of
their deeds, merits, virtues and sins will be given. Those whose merits, virtues and good
deeds are more than their sins, they will be awarded paradise (jannah) and those with
dominating sins will be thrown in the hell fire- a place of torments.
So, it is absolutely necessary that we must save our good deeds and merits. The earned
merits and good deeds may be wiped out if we cannot protect them. When we earn
money or property, we make arrangements to save them or protect them. In the same way
we have to protect our earned good deeds and good virtues or merits.
How are the good deeds, merits and virtues destroyed?
(1) In holy quran, there is a mentioning - In holy book quran, in ayat two of surah
Hujarat, “ ya ayyohallajina aamanu la
tarfau aswaatakum……. Wa antum laa tashourun” states that “o believers, do
not keep your voice louder than the voice of nabi(Pbuh) while talking to him as
usually you talk loudly to each other while you talk to each other, lest your
good deeds should be destroyed and you even cannot know”
This ayat is alarming us that even to speak louder in front of nabi(pbuh) is
treated as insult to him and becomes a reason to destroy our good deeds. Now
think of those who speak displeasing words about our prophet by one or other
way. What will happen to those people ? Their good deeds are vanished
without their knowledge. They will know this thing at the time of day of
judgement. Normally, if someone drinks wine, a sin will be written in his or her
account as wine is prohibited in Islam but this sin will not erase his or her good
deed like salaat(namaaz), fastings etc. This clearly implies that to insult or to
displease nabi or any friend of Allah becomes so great sin that cause all
previous merits(sawaab) of good deeds destroyed.
(2) There is a hadis “Those who do not respect the elders and do not show
mercy towards the young ones are not among us”
This clearly implies us that the holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) informed us to
respect the elders and show mercy on the little ones so that we can get place
near the Prophet. The young people must respect the elders and the elders
must show mercy towards the youngsters.
So, we must behave properly in the society so that our good deeds can be protected till
the day of judgement.
In fact, it is a qualification given by the Allah to the elders that they are born earlier than
the younger ones and hence must be respected. Hence normally, it was a tradition that an
oldest son is set on the throne of the king. It is usually a tradition that an oldest son
(senior most) is given khilaphat of a saint. Under the unavoidable circumstances only,
this tradition is not followed.
When a saint decides to confer his khilaphat (deputy) to suitable person from his
followers, he keeps in mind the important hadis of our beloved Prophet mentioned above
“Those who do not respect the elders and do not show mercy towards the young
ones are not among us”
Hence under the normal situation, the khilaphat is bestowed upon the eldest or the most
senior person. If the eldest person has the disability like madness or weakness greater
than average to perform duties, the regular tradition is not adopted. Otherwise, the
tradition is adopted under normal circumstances. Our Prophet has taken care to stop
dictatorship of the elders upon the younger, and hence the mercy has to be shown upon
the younger.
When the senior or eldest son is deprived of the khilaphat (throne) and the younger is set
on the throne, the abnormal situation of respecting the younger by the elder sons will
arise which is contradicting the hadis of the holy Prophet of Islam. Any work or system
done against our holy Prophet’s hadis cannot obtain natural barakah (blessings). Natural
barakah (blessings) are obtained if a system or work is done in accordance with the hadis.
In present day Saudi Arabian System, the successor of the king is made to whom who is
eldest in the king and his brothers’ family. Hence, if the king demise and his brother is
living and the eldest son is also living, whoever is older in age is made a successor of the
king. In doing so, knowingly or unknowingly, the hadis in (2) above is followed and
hence natural blessings in governing the country is obtained. Our holy Prophet’s hadis is
general. We know that the dignity (darjaat) level based on piety (taqwa) is totally spiritual
thing and general public cannot know whose taqwa is great and whose taqwa is inferior.
But yet our Prophet (pbuh) mentioned this hadis implies that this hadis is based on the
age as a qualification. The one whose age is more must be respected by those whose age
is less. This is a general hadis. There is a group of people whose ages are 55, 50, 49.5, 42,
30, 25. Then Person who has 55 years age must be respected by all other 5 persons.
Person with 50 years as age must be respected by people who has age below to him, i.e.
by 4 people. And person who has 25 year of age has to respect all persons. The natural
blessings is reduced due to the fact that this tradition is slowly and slowly vanishes away
from the society. This is to be practiced generally in every house of Muslim ummah. The
houses in which this general hadis is not obeyed, the (blessings) barakah from such
houses go away.
It must be noted that Saudi Arabian System must not be considered as an Ideal. The Ideal
System in Islam is democracy. Islam introduced democracy to entire world by election of
the leaders known as khalipha. But the khilaphat system lasted for first four pious
khaliphas only. Then dictatorship was created by Yazid bin Muawiah. Later, Abbasi and
Osmani Khilaphat time arrived in Islam. That khilaphat was like kingship and not like
democratic. So, something is better than nothing. When such system is running, then it
should be at least consider this hadis in selecting a leader. Even in democracy, the leader
of democratic party is senior most person. We should consider this hadis in deciding party
leader. Once party leader is selected, the election is the ultimate decision factor. In
deciding first four pious khalipha, this hadis was implemented in electing them. Hazarat
Abu Bakar(RA) was senior than Omar(RA) and this seniority was also considered.
Hazarat Abu Bakar (RA) had delivered a speech before he was elected. He might have
said such things. In our houses, some rich people have their big business, industries etc.
To run such business, the leader is required. In deciding leader, this hadis can be
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